Meeting with an old friend

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9;25 am , cafeteria

  " Are you okay , P'krub? " the boy asked .

" I am fine , sorry , I didn't see you ." I was in a hurry , so I didn't see the boy , who was right in front of me . I quickly grabbed my books back and the boy helped me .

" P , which department are you from ? I will help carry you some of the books . "

" No , it is fine . My department is in this area . You don't need to help me . "

When I was about to leave without looking at him , he grabbed my hand and asked ,

" Don't you really remember me ? "

I looked at the boy and realized that the boy was my high school friend .

" oh my god !!!! Is it you , Oat ? I haven't seen you for a long time .. how are you ? How have you been doing ? "

I hugged him , while asking a million of questions . We were really close when we were high school students , we were almost like best friends . We used to share secrets together and hang out often . But , everything changed , after I moved to Bangkok .

" god !!! Which question do I have to answer first ? U never change . U used to talked a lot and you still are talkative like a parrot . Ask me one question by one . "

" ok ok ... I am just really excited to meet you back again . And wait , I am still mad at you . Why didn't you contact me ? I used to send you a lot of letters , why didn't you sent me back ? "

" oh , for that ...... I only know that u send me letters , 2 weeks ago . I changed into another house after you moved to Bangkok . So , I didn't get ur letters at all . I really missed you too "

He was looking at me nostalgically .

" Fine ...... and by the way , what are you doing here ? "

" I am here to meet my friend , Esther . "

" Ah , huh ... a girl ?? "

" Nah , just a friend . She has been asking me to come visit the uni . "

" I can understand . You have always been popular at school . ". Oat still looks handsome , with define features like dark brown eyebrows and fair skin . When we were high school , 80 percent of the girls were a huge fans of his . They would follow Oat everywhere and even stalked . Pete was never interested in anyone . I was his only close friend . It is not like no one want to be friend. The boys from the class stick to Oat , cuz Oat was really good at everything like Sports , Studies and Altitude.

" It is really nice meeting you back again . I have been looking for you everywhere . Finding you from social media and from our old friends , I couldn't find u . And now , you are here , standing right in front of me , meeting accidentally . " Oat said .

" Yeah , it was meeting you back too . Shall we hang out ? Oh , I just forget that you are meeting with your friend . "

" nah , it is fine . I can just text her that I won't make it . Let's go , everywhere . I am fine as long as I am with you . "

" Ah , huh ... being cheesy ? Then I am hungry , let's go to a restaurant. I have many things to talked to you . "

" Fine ...... " Oat suddenly grabbed my waist , I was abit shocked . I mean , nobody have ever hold me that way , except Tin .

But I am fine , it is Oat . I just put my hand on his shoulders too .

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