𝓬𝓱𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷: 𝓫𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓭

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They set off into the desert the hot sun blazed down on the group. Hellfire walks in front of everyone Dredius the elderly wizard walks in the back klaus and Iolanthe right behind hellfire ràca walks at her heal, Braneth the barbarian walks beside Iolanthe and klaus looks over at him glaring at the giant of a man as hi gives him a smirk, Hendereye the archer walks on the other side keeping his eyes out on the horizon. Iolanthe and the ràca's look up ràca howls and hellfire stops and turns "what's wrong with the stupid mutt" Iolanthe glared at the woman and with a smirk yells back at her "she's probably more pure then you ever could be, but she hears the beast so don't I" she laughed at that "there's nothing for miles" Hendereye looked over and gave a nod "she's right I see it, it's a distance away but it's there" hellfire turned away with a huff the others snickered. "Let's keep going the sooner we kill it the sooner I'm rid of this elf" klaus put his hand on Iolanthe's shoulder "I'm sorry for her princess, you two did well" Iolanthe smiles at that and the woman cackled again "princes no wonder she looks so high maintenance, you know this is no place for a princess" Braneth finally spoke up "hellfire for all you know is that's what he calls his lover it's quite cute really you have no room to speak we're hear to do a job not fight amongst ourselves if you have a problem hold it in till we're done or go back we don't need you to jeopardize or lives because your heads not in this" he placed a hand on Iolanthe's shoulder his big hand covered the hole thing and she smiles up at him as the woman huffed. As they get closer they all see and hear the monster it was large and looked mostly like a massive beetle it's red eyes glow intently it sees them and screeches, Iolanthe dropped to her knees klaus immediately down beside her "what's wrong" Braneth ripped a portion of his shirt into to long thin strip and two balls "it's sound is to much for her sensitive ears" she groans and nods. The massive man kneels down and gives the balls to klaus "hold them by her ears and I'll tie it it won't stop the sound but it will help deaden it" she looks up at the two "it helps thank you Braneth" he smiles helps her to her feet "not a problem I've worked with elves before anything like that I know is painful a useful talent but with a beast like that possibly deadly for you" hellfire put her hand on her hip "are we ready or we going to let that thing get to us first?" The men looked at her shaking their heads and started to walk again, the monster coming towards them acid spits out of the horn of the creature burning some cacti and eating away at the sand turning it into slick glass. Hellfire takes out her sword and charges the beast the her men not far behind Iolanthe and klaus watched as there weapons bounce right off the hard shell the only one that seemed to even touch it was the barbarian with his hammer, lighting strikes in the background and it screeched again, more acid flies and caught hellfire she screams as it starts to eat away at her flesh, Iolanthe didn't hesitate she ran after her ràca at her heal klaus yelled at her "no she's not worth it" he fallows behind Iolanthe picked up the woman putting her on the wolf's back and they dashed off a leg coming strait at them klaus used his sword and sliced off the leg blood sprayed everywhere as it screeched they got far enough away and ràca dumped her off standing guard as the men all surrounded the two women. Iolanthe's eyes glow a bright white and she began to chant "ambar aire anar nulla urwa wilma kelva tulka" her hands glow and the hellfire started to heel as the big bug getting closer. Hellfire stoped screaming she was week but her wounds healed and she sat up "your a little more helpful then I thought" Iolanthe looked at her curiously "did you notice anything in that short battle?" Hellfire looked at the large beast "just that we might need more help" Iolanthe shakes her head "all the help in the world won't help, your blade it shifts can you make into a war hammer?" She nods "of course but just as Braneth I lose much of my speed, why?" Iolanthe pointed at a small crack on the shell "if the two of you work together you can make that into a hole, Hendereye most archers have different kinds of arrows right? Got any electric?" Klaus jumped in "it was afraid of the storm coming that's why it's headed this way" Iolanthe nods "right I bring the storm closer but I need time hellfire and  Braneth work together make that hole, Hendereye and I will aim into that opening, klaus help them get in they need your speed and if you have anything that might slow it down or help in their strength or speed that would be great" the old man thought a moment "I don't but I can raise more to help distract it and if they get burned its no love lost, I can also pass along my mana to you since i know what you plan on doing will take a lot" Iolanthe looked at him and nods "I'll be fine but yes if you can it will help" hellfire stands "your no warrior you can't just pull this stuff out of no where I'm their leader they fallow me!" Braneth towers over hellfire everything she said was dead on and if you don't want to help kill this thing the stay here we'll do it on our own, I don't understand this petty squabble have but we're not letting the town down for it" hellfire drooped her head looking away "fine but if anyone dies it's on your head PRINCESS" she used the word differently then klaus does patronizing and mean but Iolanthe didn't care "look call me what you like when we're done one on one you and me we'll settle whatever this is, Braneth, klaus hellfire go" wind started to blow as klaus started to run seconds later he was at the bug attacking it from all sides he was so fast it didn't know where attack "now Dredius make your men" he began to chant the words of a dark language Iolanthe barely new "get ready Hendereye" he nods pulling an arrow out it sparked as he held it, undead creatures arose from the ground attacking the monster but it shook them easy acid poured from its horn burning several the other two got close jumped high in the air one hammer then the next marking the crack bigger. Iolanthe closed her eyes when she opened the they were a bright glowing blue she started her own chant " nween venie Aile ailine ailo aire aina aksa ambarta" thunder boomed and lightening struck as clouds moved faster their way a vortex started circling the bug so it couldn't move Braneth healed to hellfire "sound off we hit at the same time this time, one" hellfire readied her hammer and in complaints yelled back "two" he got ready to jump and yelled "three" he jumped so did she they swung at the same time you could hear the shell as it shatters it screams in pain acid shoots everywhere klaus gets hit and Iolanthe stops "no don't kill it I'm fine" he groans out writhing in pain, Braneth grabbed him up threw him over his shoulder hellfire behind fending off the creature as it tried to stomp on them getting close to Iolanthe he laid klaus down doing his best to stop the acid. Dredius's chant change and a dark black and purple light shined around Iolanthe she could feel his strength inside her he collapsed giving up that power and she started a chant one she's never used for something so controlled but it was their best shot "palime  reales i rosse ar strikè i cotumo" thunder rolled as the clouds opened up rain poured down over the creature "shoot now" the archer let go the shell filling with water the arrow hits its mark shocking the bug lightning came down striking it. The hole body spasms letting out sparks it screeched loud from the pain Iolanthe covered her ears it was so close the cloth did no good for her, Braneth dropped down his large hands covered her ears giving her some relief. It exploded green goo covered the sand and the group. Iolanthe took her hands over klaus, his flesh had been eaten where he was hit, he wasn't breathing at this point "I can't heal the dead, I... i was to late" Dredius's kneels beside her "but I can I'll raise him you heal the wounds he'll be fine it hasn't been long so he won't be undead like the creatures I made" she nods and gets ready he starts a chant the dark black and purple light glows around his body and soon he gasped for air her hands glow a bright white light as she chants and his wounds close his flesh grows back and a tear rolls down her face before the two collapse over the newly revived body. Braneth threw each man over his shoulder and scoped her into his arms hellfire, Hendereye and ràca walk beside him as they make their way back to the inn hellfire carries the horn of the beast as proof of their victory, as they get back he lays them all in the bed. The two men wake up and he makes them stay down to rest after a few hours past he placed Iolanthe's head in his lap klaus tried to sit up and fell back groaning "what do you think your doing" he asked pain in his voice "you've been able to drink on your own she however can't being in that heat and the time that's past she needs it or she'll die before she's rested enough to get up" he tried to pour the water into her mouth but it just dripped down her face, so he took a sip placed his lips to hers and let the water out klaus glared at the man but he could see she was swallowing the water she let out a soft moan almost unaudible he dose it till the glass was empty. Her eyes open to see the large man and her eyes widened seeing herself surrounded by the three men "mmm wha..what's going on?" He smiled down and chuckled "aye loss we had some drinks together and got here eventually tell me you don't remember" she began to stutter as the old man spoke up "we killed the beast it was just to much for some of us" klaus's eyes narrowed at the man "that's not funny you know" the large man chuckled "aye lad ya never never know what the young loss might like" Iolanthe blushed and shook her head "no no I'm happy with one at a time thanks" the man laughed that could be arranged as well" now klaus yelled at the man "back off she's weak as it is this isn't the time for your jokes" he gave him a nod and whispered in her ear "a little sensitive isn't he" she gave a weak smile and her head laid back into his lap her eyes close and she fell back to sleep. He laid her down not wanting to cause any real problems and let them sleep off their battle. The next morning they all got up feeling batter and went down to the tavern hellfire threw a large bag at each of them gems and gold filled them "your portions I maid sure it was split even, now for you when's my fight?" Iolanthe shrugged "whenever your ready" klaus looked at the woman and she rolled her eyes "tomorrow since your keeper don't think your ready" I'm no ones keeper but she dose deserve to rest after what she did, now let's get some food and drink"

𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰  𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓵 𝓼𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓭Where stories live. Discover now