Turn 1:Blue Angel vs Revolver

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Chapter Info:The Knights of Hanoi meet Blue Angel, well who she is on earth and Revolver challenges her to a duel that may change her entire future. Can Blue Angel Win?

It was a regular day in Den City, save for the occasional child which seemed to want to yell at their parent to get them the newest duel disk so they could enter Link Vrains. It seems Vrains is the talk of the town recently. One girl named Aoi Zaizen was currently leaving Den Academy but a Boy, Fujiki Yusaku came up behind her. "Aoi Zaizen..Would you mind coming to the Ryoken estate with me after school for a talk?" The boy's voice sounded icier then Aoi remembered it ever being, had this boy found out her secret, and did she just find out his? "Yusaku.. why do you want to speak to me after school? Is there something wrong?" Whatever the case, she knew this could be linked to her Vigilante work as "Blue Angel" Aside from her scheduled duels to entertain millions, she also moonlight crusaded against the Knights Of Hanoi. Her biggest question, however, was who are the two pillars, Revolver, and Playmaker? How come they were so determined to catch her? Blue angel did not like it at all,and was frightened of what outcome could happen.

A girl with silver-colored hair was watching this, and sighed. "Yusaku you baka.. you're going to get us all outed.." Minako Kogami was a very calm collected girl usually, but in situations where the many boys around her became idiots, she got annoyed. Many students did not like her either, as she came off as unapproachable. However, she also was extremely skilled as a hacker almost rivaling her Brother, Revolver aka Ryoken Kogami. However, her dueling skills were not as amazing. She received a call on her cellphone and answered. "Yes? Alright, Spectre I understand. I shall head back to The Kogami Estate Immediately.." She hung up the call, and picked up her school bag once more heading away from the academy. After all, she had stuff to do so she could just yell at Yusaku later at the estate.

After school, Aoi ran toward the Kogami Estate almost barreling over fellow student Naoki Shima. Whatever Hanoi wanted with her, this could not be good and any number of things could happen. She hesitantly walked in, and met a boy with grey hair who greeted her. He said his name was Spectre, and that the Lady and Lord who ran the home would be down momentarily. Yusaku sat down next to Spectre on the couch quietly. Everybody was almost too quiet for Blue Angel aka Aoi Zaizen's liking. Soon, Ryoken and Minako Kogami came downstairs. Minako sat on the couch beside her boyfriend, Spectre but Ryoken well. He smirked at Aoi. "Pleasant to finally meet in person, Blue Angel.." Aoi was frightened, but spoke up-"How did you find out who I am in the real world?" She was confused, as she ALWAYS erased her logins and always cleared out her files.

Aoi got ready for anything, as Revolver approached her. "Dont think you will be leaving here, Blue Angel... we want you to help us and we will force you if we have too.." He had almost no emotion as he walked closer to the now freaking out Aoi. "After all, Blue Angel... Your fate has always been to fall into darkness!" Aoi went to bolt for the door, but heard Ryoken speak-"Force Log In!" He and Blue Angel were forcefully logged into the Vrains Hanoi HQ, Him as Revolver her in her Blue Angel avatar. Aoi was now certian, Revolver was Ryoken which would mean that Playmaker was Yusaku. One of her own classmates had been her archnemisis the entire time.. whats worse? It was a schoolmate she had a small crush on.

"Now Blue Angel.." Revolver said, an evil smirk through his mask. "We will duel.. If You win, you get to leave here no queastions asked.. but if I should be the one to win? You join the Knights of Hanoi!" Blue Angel glared at revolver before answering- "Very well, Revolver... but i shall not lose! Let's make this a speed duel!" The wind kicked up as they both got ont their dual boards, and both yelled-"SPEED DUEL!"

"I'll start"

Aoi spoke with a hint of fear in her voice as she drew her opening 4 cards, looking up to to Revolver one last time, taking a deep breath

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