The Jersey (Part 2)

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Although he said to Bastian he wasn't going to follow her around, he had been following her around for a few weeks now. He first saw her outside her house, she had just arrived home when two little kids yelled her name, that's how Erik knew it was her, then he saw a man. He thought she was married and those people were her family, but he didn't even think how odd it would be for her own children to call her first name instead of "mom", he was to absorted looking at her to think properly. After a few visits, he figured out she had an older sister and that man was her husband and those children were hers. How does he know so much? He had spent quite a while looking at her, because who had known she was going to live near his house. When Erik opened the email in which Bastian had sent him her information, he was very happy to find out she lived in Dortmund, and near the neighborhood he was living in, so when he retuned home from the national team practices, the first thing he did was go seeing her. The image he formely had was no longer clear, now that he was there just outside her house, everything became numb and his head wasn't thinking in anything to say, so that first time he just stayed there waiting for someone to come out the house. He reads the email a few times each day, as he's going to forget her address or her name.

<<I have what you asked me, though this was my thing to do I still think you have to thank me for this, it wasn't easy to convince my friend.

Ms Lara Adler

July. 30. 1991



Let me know how it goes with the girl... >>

In the end, Erik thanked him anyway, although it was more of a command than a favor.

After all the visits he has pay to her house, he already know she studies in the university, something to do with history, he once saw a book related to that. He knows she really likes tea and coffee, and muffins. Everytime he goes to her house and follow her around he promises to himself he'll talk to her, but he just can't. 

It's saturday morning and Erik is going on his way to meet Matthias for breakfast.  He wanted advice in this matter, he was so lost. Erik had shown Matthias a picture of Lara and in that opportunity Matze said that if Erik wasn't going to do anything about it he might have. After he starts the car he decides to take the street of Lara's house. When he's getting near he slows down the car because he sees people outside the house. 

 A few kids are in the lawn playing football while Lara and her family are packing some things in the car, they are probably our for a picnic or something. Erik's curiosity is at its highest level so when they all go in the car he decides to follow them, he texts Matthias telling him he is going to be late, he doesn't want to be rude and make his friend wait just for a girl.

He remembers this place, he had been here before. It is a huge park, that offers many activities so they could be doing anything. Erik follows them after he parked his car, he put his hoodie on. 

After a 10 minute walk, Erik finally remembers why he knows this place. Once, a friend of his invited him to watch a football game of his son, he now remembers this is were little kids play for their schools. He stays behind a tree watching how the action happens. Lara's nephews go to the pitch with their team mates and their couch, while Lara and her family go to the seats. He can see Lara enjoys football very much, so maybe the jersey was for her after all. Erik makes a final deal with himself, if she is wearing his jersey underneath the coat he'll talk to her and he won't back down. 

After a while, Erik thinks it's impossible he'll make it to breakfast with Matze so he just texts him, letting him know where he is at and why. It's almost half an hour since the match begun and luckly for Erik the sun doesn't take long in appear in the Dortmund sky, so it won't be long to see what Lara is wearing underneath her coat. He is so wrapped up in his own mind he doesn't notice when some people that are passing aim at him and star whispering to each other, one of them approached to Erik and ask him for an authograph. 

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