My Soul Mate's Death

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My soul mate's Death....♥

I am waiting for you with no hope,

no beliefs, just tears

In the road waiting for you no one else

Playing with my hair

Sitting on my pink and black bag

Black rose in my hair

Sad song dancing in my ear

Cant wait to hear your car weels

Feeling your cold side

Because I can feel you from thousand miles away

I call out your name like a prayer

Would you leave waiting for you?

Here I am with my faith Sitting beside me

Holding my hand to reach immortality

With you by your black car

Reach me to the after life Door

Black, high and huge door

With cloudy lock can open easily

Two angels waiting for me

to enter the after life

Standing in front of the door to welcome me!

I saw your black car near me

You kindly open the door for me

With your hands welcoming me

Clod chest, tight hug

And I site In your car

And my faith is still within me

Combing my hair cleaning my shoes

To be in good looking for life time

We are passing golden fields,

my school and my home

We are now going up

Raising your car speed

To arrive quickly

As I imagin what a door!

After life door

Angels welcome me as you did before to me

I can see the white light

Glowing out

In front of


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