College Is Here

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Elsie's Pov
I woke up miserable knowing today is the day Bo leaves for college. His parents invited me to be a part of their college drop off crew. I just know it will be hard saying good bye.
After I got out the shower I got dressed knowing today we would be doing more then saying good-bye to Bo. We will be going... SHOPPING! I walked up the street to Bo's house to see them packing up the cars. "Good morning my loves." I said making my presence known. "Good morning baby." Bo's mom and dad said. "Good morning Beautiful. I remember the day I brought you those shoes." Bo said pulling me into a hug kissing the top of my head. "Me too.. it was like a month ago for my birthday." I said giggling at his silliness. "Okay time to load up. Elsie you can ride with Bo if you want." Bo's dad said.
Bo helped me in his truck then we hit the road after grabbing a quick breakfast. "Bo.. Why'd you choose this college?" I asked. "Baseball... and cheer up. I will come see you when I can. and you can come see me with mom and dad." he said. "I know but it won't be the same..." I said. "I know but it will all work out... I promise." he said glancing at me and kissing my hand.
Bo's Pov
When we arrived at WVSU I looked over to see a very upset Elsie. I felt really bad to leave her but I need to continue my education.. also were not dating. "Cheer up it's not the end of the day yet." I said finding a parking spot. "I know but It's pretty darn close." She said as we got out the car.
We met up with my parents at the line to get room keys and schedules we got here early so it only consisted of about 15 people. When I got to the front of the line I told the lady my name, she gave me a room key and a packet. "Room 19 Hornet Hall." I said out loud grabbing Elsie's hand as we walked to my moms van. "I got a luggage cart!" My mom said enthusiastically. "Yay! Less trips and it can be done quickly!" Elsie chanted back. I gotta love these two! We got everything in one trip. Thank you lord that my room was on the first floor.
"You must be my roommate, I'm Brandon." Said a boy around my height that came in the room with a luggage cart. "I'm Bo." I said sticking my hand out for him to shake. "Nice to meet you." He said as he started unpacking. When I had everything unpacked we left to spend the rest of the day together before they had to hit the road.
We met up at Ruby Tuesday at the shopping center for lunch. "How are you feeling Bo?" Mom asked as we waited for our food. "Excited but yet scared and sad." I responded. "Well baby, welcome to the real world. You are finally gonna be out on your own." She said taking a sip of her tea. "I've been waiting for this day but now that it's here I want to rewind time." I said looking at Elsie.
It was time to finally say good bye. I started at my parents first but when I got to Elsie I was ready to fall apart. "Don't cry princess!" I said pulling her into a hug, "This isn't forever." "But it feels like it. This will be the longest we have been away from each other." She said while sniffling. I wiped her tears and kissed her cheek then said, "It won't be nearly as long as you think. Stay out of trouble, enjoy band, keep your grades up, and don't forget about me. I love you." I said hugging her tighter. "I love you too Bo." She said.
Elsie's Pov
On the way back to car I noticed I still had on one of Bo's jackets and I got a text.
I already miss you like crazy . Next time I see you I expect to see my jacket too. ;) -BoBo

I miss you too. You most likely will see your hoodie! Lol Don't forget about me. Get some rest you have a busy day tomorrow. Don't forget about baseball training in the morning at six. I love you ALOT! Goodnight! -ElsieMo

Thank you for reminding me! I love you too! Sweet dreams beautiful. -BoBo

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