Chalk Zone Lost Episode

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We all had our suspicions of the new intern at Nickelodeon Studios. Shelby Voldon, 33 years old, diagnosed with paranoia, OCD, and schizophrenia.  He was hired in November of 2007 as a writer for the Chalk Zone. He always had this shady smile and a deep voice that just made everyone uncomfortable. He always had conversations with others about serial killers and the dark web. He seemed very off,  but the higher-ups said he was no threat, and it was safe to work with him.

I was assigned to work on an episode with Voldon by one of the higher-ups before my vacation. We were going to work on a horror-themed episode for the Chalk Zone. Since Voldon had once said that he was a sucker for horror, I thought though maybe this project would be a little uncomfortable, it could be easy.

Since there wasn't much time left for work after being assigned with our tasks, I and Voldon just brainstormed for the rest of the day. I gave Voldon some of my notes, but when I asked for his, he said he wanted to keep it secret. "It's a surprise," he said.  The next day, I broke my rib cage falling off a ladder while cleaning fallen leaves out of my gutter. I contacted my workplace and told them of my situation. They told me that I can take as long as I needed off while Voldon worked on the project with a replacement partner. Unfortunately, as soon as I got better, the episode had been finished and it was the day we were to view it with a test audience.

I sat in a chair next to Voldon and the replacement partner, Mrs. Wilvers. I apologized to them for not being able to work on the episode. Voldon turned to me and assured me it was okay, and he was glad I was doing better. Mrs. Wilvers looked at me with a rather tense smile and nodded in agreement. Even though Voldon was creepy and kind of suspicious, he always had this warm charm that always comforted me, so I took their reassurance.

When one of the higher-ups, named Mr. Shrier, started the episode, we all cut out our chit-chat. The episode started with Rudy's mother, Millie, and father, Joe, watching the news. Apparently, the news reporter was talking about a severe thunderstorm with downpours heading towards their town. Rudy's parents gasp in horror before calling Rudy down to the living room. Rudy came down saying, "What, what did I do?". Joe and Millie immediately rushed down the basement in the house before explaining to Rudy about the storm that was coming towards them and how they had to come to the basement to stay safe. Then, all of sudden, there was a knock at the door. Rudy and his parents all go up together to open the door and find Penny and her parents. Penny's mother, Mrs. Sanchez, briefly explains that this is the only shelter that she and her family have since their house has been destroyed and asks if she and her family can stay here, to which Joe and Millie agree.

 There was a loud rumble heard and then a lightbulb appears over Rudy's head. "I'll be right back," he says, "I've got something that will save us all!" In not even a second, he runs into his room and runs back out with his chalk. He draws a huge circle when he meets up with everyone else, creating a portal into the ChalkZone. "Quick! Everyone in!" he yelled.

Everyone obeys Rudy's commands, and they enter the ChalkZone. "There," Rudy said with relief, "Everyone is safe." "What is this place?" Joe asked. "Mom, Dad, Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez," Rudy began, "For quite a while, I've had a while magical world entirely from my chalk drawings, I and Penny have gone here plenty of times, and it's all been created with this chalk," Rudy confessed as he held up the chalk.

Joe, Millie, Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez, all stared at Rudy in disbelief. "Woah," Joe said, "So that's where you've been when I couldn't find you. I was worried sick!" Another loud tumble was heard, then a huge downpour from the storm entered the portal. A lot of screaming was heard from everyone. The water was then shown to flow all over the ChalkZone, melting and distorting almost everything in its path.

The water passed, and everyone is seen regaining their breath. "Is everyone okay?" Rudy asked.

Everyone replied with yes. Joe got up and smiled, "Now, I'm sure that little wave of water wasn't too bad, let's go check out Rudy's magical world until this tsunami passes." He said enthusiastically.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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