Don't panic!?

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No response. No reaction. Nothing.

"Emil... Emil wake up! Emil!", said Lukas louder. "Hey calm down. What's wrong?", Tino tried to calm Lukas down. "What's wrong?! He's not responding!", Lukas screamed at the top of his lungs so that Matthias and Berwald heard it. Matthias and Berwald walked into the room and Berwald asked:"What is going on here?"

"Norway panics because his brother isn't responding", exclaimed Finland.

"He-", Norway cut then Finland off and said:"I'm not fucking panicking!"
"Woah there! Watch your mouth!", said Sweden louder. And after a few moment the four Nordics were fighting and arguing against each other.

Emil woke then after a while up because the others were too loud. He opened his eyes and asked:"What... happened?" Then everyone was silent.

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