Chapter 14

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{Kurt's POV}

There was a thick wall of tension and confusion in the car.

"W-wait so you d-did all that for me?" I looked at him.

"I never want anything to happen to you and I will go to all lengths and limits to protect you."

I pressed my lips onto his.

"Thank you."

"I'm still confused about this though, how did this happen?"

"Ummmm... Under the bleachers... I was there because he was watching. I had to depend on you finding me so I made myself visible to Finn, you came, he saw us fight and everything was fine until, I texted you, he saw everything and now he is in there waiting for you...."

I knew I had to protect Blaine... Even thoough we aren't together anymore... this is still a rough time and I need to deal with the situation.

I marched out of the car and stormed toward the Lima Bean...

"Kurt wait!!"

I could hear Blaine's footsteps running toward me, but I ignored them and kept on walking. When I got inside, I immediately regretted my decision. Blaine's dad looked at me with murderous eyes. I turned around and started heading toward the door when he came up to me and held a gun to my stomach.

Blaine ran after Kurt but he was already inside. Blaine snuck to the back door and called the police. When he looked through the window, he saw Kurt sitting there with his dad. Kurt was absolutely terrified.

"I already told you to back off... Know I might as well make you." Kurt jumped back as Blaine's father slowly bring out a gun and held it to Kurt's stomach, covering it with his jacket.

"Please can we j-just talk?" Kurt quickly backed away but Blaine's dad held the gun up and fired a bullet into the wall behind Kurt, only missing by a few centimeters.

It was chaos

People started to scramble out the door, screaming for help. Then, the sounds of multiple sirens rang through the air, practically shaking the ground with force. Kurt dove behind the counter as the police burst through the door. Blaine's dad marched over to Kurt and grabbed him by the collar, dragging him across the floor. Kurt yelped as tears ran down his face.

"Stay back or these bullets with fly through his head" Blaine's dad spoke bitterly, his voice filled with pure hate.

"Sir! put down your firearm and put your hands in the air." The police men were by the door, surrounding him, weapons up and ready to fire.

"STAHP!!!!" Blaine flew through the door and jumped in front of his dad.

"Blaine?!" for a moment, the anger and hatred dissapeared and everyone could see his dad soften for a moment until his guard shot back up and his expression returned

"please dad please don't hurt him" blaine pleaded. "I'll do anything" He inched his way closer to Kurt.

"It's over!" One of the officers yelled from behind Kurt.

Blaine's dad knew that there was no way out but what he didn't know was that Blaine swept behind him and pushed Kurt out of danger.


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