Chapter 5: Ultimate Sacrifice

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Two months have passed and there would be no sign of Lucinda after she had left when her brother told her the name of the CCG agent that attacked him and that would have the whole of RE: in panic after frantically searching for her whereabouts.

" We need to find her she could be in serious danger or worse" Trey would exclaim while keeping his niece calm.

" We will find her Trey just please try to stay calm" Touka says a little annoyed that they haven't found Luci yet.

Little did they know that Lucinda was close by and in a lot of pain due to an on going battle between her and her new split personality.

" I can't handle this any longer Anna needs her mum I'm going to go look for her again" Kaneki says grabbing his mask and storming out.

~ come on Luci my love where are you give us a sign~ he would think hiding his mask in his hoodie pocket and running through the streets trying to find his girlfriend.

Back at the warehouse Luci would be hiding holding her head in pain as her eyes flicked from her to Lillith's as the fight for control would rage on Lucinda would try so hard to keep Lillith at bay, so many more hours would pass and Luci would be starting to grow tired in a last ditch attempt she would pull a small quinque dagger out and stabs herself.

Removing the dagger she staggers forward slowly bleeding out with her final bit of strength she would say...

" you have lost bitch"

She then falls to the ground only to be caught by someone whom she didn't see as her vision was too blurred from the blood loss she would then close her eyes accepting her fate in her final moments she could feel whoever was there picking her up and running her somewhere she wanted to tell them but her strength had run too low to even say one letter, as she would slip deeper into her eternal slumber all she could think of was how much she loves her daughter and that she could die peacefully knowing she would be safe from Lillith.

Luci would think to herself as she felt her life drain...

~ As long as my daughter and family are safe this ultimate sacrifice I have made has been worth it no one will ever know about Lillith's and the trouble plus damage she can bring, my darling daughter do what daddy says and one day we shall reunite ~

With that final thought she dies...or does she.

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