spera and sir nameless

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Dipper p.o.v

I were walking around in the forest. It was quiet and peaceful. I started walking deeper into forest. I walkend om to a sandy field and there middle of the field was two boxes. I walked over to closest box. On the side of the box there was paper that said something but it was on different language. There was text that said finland. "All the way from there?" I said out loud. Then the box started to moved. I let out a yelp and walked couple steps back. The box fell on to it's side and i heard a faint 'oof' inside it. "What the..." i mutter. I broke the lock that was on the box and open it. The second i opened the box a boy jumps out gasping fo air. I fell down in shok. "Oh miten mä kaipasin ilmaa!" The boy says. I look at hte boy. He has cotton candy pink short hair. He was wearing black hat and sunglasses on his head. He was wearing also a black t-shirt and black skinny jeans. He had one purple eye. The left eye was covered with white eye patch. I stand up and clear my throat. "Umm.. hi? Who are you?" I asked. The boy looked me "oi enkkulaine. I'm alexander hawk but you can call me sir nameless." The boy- sir nameless said. "Where are you from? " i asked. "Oh, I'm from finland. Espoo." Sir nameless said. He looked at the other box. "What's in there?" He asked pointing at the box. He jumped out from the box and walked over the box. I walked next to him and noticed he was couple inches taller than me. We broke the lock again. We opened the box. A blue byramid jumped out of the box. It looked like bill but he was blue and his eye was red and yellow. In his hat there was a purple stripe. The byramid jumped on to sir nameles head. "Oh hi there nick." Sir nameles said to byramid. Ilooked back to box there was girl standing up. She had rainbow a colored hair whit black and white tips and maroon red eyes. She was wearing candy red t-shirt and a black vest shir over it. She was also wearing dark blue short shorts and candy red converses. "Uuhh mitä tapahtuu??" She asked and hold her head whit hand. "Quisque et evigilavi in ​​puero qui nos de nobis" byramid- nick said. The girl nodded and looked at me. "Who are you?" She asked. "I'm dipper, dipper pines" i said."and you?" "I'm spera gravitate" she said and claimed out of the box. "Well i think you already met nick and sir nameles" she said and tusted herself. " yeah i just have one question. Is nick bill ciophers relative?" I asked and pointed at nick. "Ego illi filii, ut spero, non movetur ad vis nocere" nick said. I looked at spera confusion written all over my face. "Oh yeah you don't understand latin" spera said. "Victus..." nick said crossing his arms. "His bills son but didn't want to hurt anyone so he lives whit me now." Spera said and nick nodded. "So you understand Latin? " i asked from spera. "Yeah my mom is finnish and dad is latin" spera said "do you understand latin." I asked from sir nameless. "No i only speak finnish and English" he said.I nodded. "So if you ccan't go back to finland i quess you can stay in shack." I said to them. "That would be nice" spera said. I started to walk back to shack. From the corner of my eye i saw spera took some kind of book from the box he was in. Then we started to walk back to shack.

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