deer girl and old friends

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Sir nameless p.o.v

Me, Spera and Dipper were walking in the Gravity falls forest. I half listened to what Dipper and Spera were talking and half though my own things. I were still thinking: 'how the hell did we end up here?' I were deep in thoughts but i snapped out when i heard rustling in the bushes next to me. I stopped on my track and i saw from the corner of my eye that Spera and Dipper stopped walking and were now looking at me. "What's wrong sir nameless?" Spera asked from me. I walked closer to the bushes. Suddenly something jumps out of the bushes and on top of me. I yelped when mu back hit the forest ground. I looked at the attacker. It was a she, she had short black hair left eye was chocolate brown and right one was sky blue. She had two black stripes on both of her arms. She had light blue ripped top and.... deers body. She was like centaur but with deer body she also had deer eyes. "Well hello there~" she purred to me. I tried to crawl out from under her. She put a hoof on top of my chest. "Going somewhere?" She asked smirking. Suddenly a rock hit her head. She shook her head and looked at the discretion where the rock came from. I looked to i saw Spera holding a rock. "STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIEND YOU BIMBO!!" She yelled and threw the rock at the deer girl. The deer girl jumped from on top of me and started to run at Spera. Speras eyes widen and she held up her hands, closed her eyes and waited for her doom. There was bright light and next thing i knew was that deer girl was on the ground and over Speras head was angry Bill. Nick ran from the forest to hug spera. I stood up and ran over to Spera and hugged her Dipper joined us too. I pulled from the hug and looked at the deer girl only to see her ran away. Bill floaded in front of Spera "you okay princess?~" Bill asked from Spera (oh Bill you flirt) "yeah.." she blushed. "Why did you help her?" I asked from Bill. "Why do you care cotton candy?" He said. I growled at him. "So Bill you just saved my life. Want something to pay it of. But nothing about the books." (Ps. Bill and Spera are good friends.) She said. Bill though for a moment. "I would like to keep on eye of you guys so i would ask two things if that's okay?" He asked from Spera. "Sure what is it?" Spera said a little bit of cautious. "I would like to be torned a half human so i would have my powers and a place to stay." Bill asked with puppy eye from Spera. "There is no way we are taking him with us" i said. "I agree with sir nameless" Dipper said. "Well like it or not hes coming with us. And because i already bought a house for us we have more room." Spera said and started walking away Bill floating behind her. Me and Dipper walked after her and Nick teleported to my head.

(A/N: yeah... kind of OOC Bill but deal with it. I wanted to ad Bill because he is my fav from gravity falls. So yeah bye! -:Raito:-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2015 ⏰

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