How it all started...

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This is pretty much my theory to how Adorabat lost her leg and a bit about her father and admiration for heroes.


"Someone, help me! Please!" Adorabat cried out, her wing stuck in a bush. A monster was slowly coming up from behind her, looking hungry enough to eat her whole. The bat was only four years old and was already going to die.

She continued to scream, and her vision became blurry from her tears. It was all so sudden.

It all started this morning when she got brave. Too brave.

Adorabat found a small hole through the barrier of the ruby pure heart, just big enough to let her through. She could finally explore to her heart's content, and get away from the nothingness that was her life. There wasn't anything special about pure heart valley. Everyone around her simply was just normal. Her father, a venturing businessman who didn't have time. Her mother, dead. The citizens were focused on their own lives not to care. The king, well... just a spoiled brat.

There was nothing for her there. So she had to do something.

She walked slowly into the deep forest, where she was scared but fascinated at the same time. It was new.

The forest contained many wonders that kept her busy the entire day. She didn't have to worry about even coming back for a while since no one checked on her. This caused her to go into an excited frenzy, and venture too far.

She stumbled upon an egg, and curiously picked it up. She shook it around and began to play with it like a toy. This caused it to break, and shatter into pieces into her small wings. She simply shrugged and walked off, not knowing a huge monster was watching, their anger rising.

A growl shook the trees. The monster grew from its hiding space, revealing itself to the small bat. It was the mother, ready to defend her destroyed egg.

Adorabat froze, looking at the monster in shock. She didn't know what to do other than just stare. She didn't even know if she should admire it or be scared.

The monster stopped this by swatting her tail at Adorabat, and she couldn't stop herself. Adorabat ran into a sharpened tree, which broke her small leg at impact, and ripped her skin and ears.

She flapped her wings, trying to fly away. That's when the bush caught her wing, making her trapped.

She had nowhere to go.

"Someone, help me! Please!"

She was going to die.


Or so she thought.

Suddenly, a masked figure swooped in and slashed at the creature, making it fall back. The monster yelled out in anger and tried to bite the figure, but it was no match. The figure laughed with a scoff, and yelled out, "I am a legendary hero who protects this forest and people- and I demand that you leave this area now!" The hero had a weapon and pointed it directly at the monster to threaten it.

The monster growled but walked away sadly. It was a fight it couldn't win.

The hero looked down back at the injured bat, who was whimpering. Adorabat was immediately swooped up into the hero's arms. The hero simply smiled at the bat losing consciousness, and whispered, "Shh, it's okay. I'll protect you... that's what heroes do." Adorabat nodded, doozy. "A hero...? Can I be a hero?"

The hero smiled. "Anyone can. Now rest little one."

Adorabat grinned and fell asleep. 

Adorabat was taken back home, to where her leg had to be amputated. She was devastated, but the hero gave her a small gift.

A small, yellow peg leg.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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