2.Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook.

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Haemun pov

I feel myself waking up with a slight headache.

I try to move my arms to let the ache go away but my hands were held back.

I look back and see that my hands were being held back by two metal chains clasped around my wrists.

I try wiggling my arms out of the chains but they were of no use. My feet were not tied but that was of no use. I'll still not be able to move.

I look around the room. It had a disgusting smell. Like metal. Like ......blood

The room had greyish walls , some of the plastering had come off, giving the room a creepy vibe. From the ceiling, was hanging a light bulb which was very dim to the point where sometimes i had to squint my eyes to understand what I'm seeing with a table fan which was barely working, kept beside me.

I was seated on the cold cement floor which felt a bit like mosaic.

I continued looking around for some more time when suddenly the sound of a metal door opening caught my attention. It was apparently the door to the room I'm in.

The person walking in , keeps the door open, letting some more light from outside seep in.

Oh boi

It was a man who looked in his mid twenties. Probably a year older than me. He had dark brown hair, parted on the side, showing is forehead. His figure, well built and masculine. His eyes looked doe like. Almost like the most innocent pair of eyes a person could have witnessed.

He glared at me as he took a seat in front of me on a folding chair.

I keep my eyes on the floor. I don't trust myself right now. I might just accidentally kill him with my glare.

"So you're the daughter of that damn surgeon huh"

That question catches me off guard but I don't let it show.

I keep my eyes fixated on the floor. It seemed to piss him off.

"Look at my eyes when I'm speaking to you, you mother-- hubbard"

I stop myself from letting out a laugh at his failed attempt to stop himself from cussing. Manners huh

I slowly look up at him and keep a straight face. Not letting any sign of fear show on my face.

He just simply smirks and leans back on the chair.

"What's your name?" He asks

"How about you tell me yours first. I'll think about it then."

He lets out a satisfied laugh as he looks down.

"Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook."

"Haemun. Cho Haemun"

He nods lightly and gets up from his chair and soon leaves, closing the door on his way .

The moment he's out of sight I let go of my guard and shudder while letting out a tear from my eye as i look down.

What the hell....

AUTHOR'S NOTE (ABOUT THE COMMENTS): as you all know, I'm rewriting the whole book. the comments may confuse you because they're from the previous version of the book. so don't get confused)

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