Here With You

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It was a crisp, foggy morning in the woods and quite a few animals were out to gather  some food. The sun shined through the leaves from above, creating beautiful rays amongst the plants. Trudging along the forest, Muriel, and his familiar Inanna, were out to gather some food for the hut. It had been years since he’s lived on his own away from people. Every now and then Asra would come visit to see how his best friend is doing. Even now, he still has nightmares of when Lucio had forced him to dirty his hands with blood. 

As Inanna was sniffing for some food, a dim glowing white light was hiding behind one of the many trees before it moved somewhere else. Inanna looked around with perked ears as the glowing light swiftly moved from tree to tree as it tried to stay hidden. With a sudden bark towards Muriel, the soft light disappeared among the forest, but Inanna still had its scent. It wasn't no ordinary light. When Muriel looked over to her, he sighed and beckoned her to follow him towards another direction but she wasn’t moving. Instead, she dashed off where the light had ran to. Muriel called out her name before he started giving chase, wondering what it could be that she is trying to chase. He ran after her as fast as he could before skidding to a halt. In the middle of a clearing lies a small pond lined with moss covered stone. Broken with rot from old age stand a few wooden beams, maybe where a vineyard once grew, but now in its place is overgrown grass and weeds that trail through the cracks in the rocks to the water, green from vegetation in and around it.

Sitting on the edge of the pond was a young woman, possibly looking a few years younger than him. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair moved fluently in the light breeze with bright (e/c) eyes that sparkled like gems in the sunlight. Her crisp white dress went all the way down near her bare feet as a soft iridescent glow surrounded her form. Her light pink lips where tugged into a smile as Inanna was laying happily across her lap while her slender fingers scratched behind her ear. Beside her was a small pile of flower crowns she had made herself. Muriel had never seen her before, and this place was pretty deep in the woods. One wrong turn, and one would be lost for days. He carefully made his way to the woman before wincing at a snapped twig under his foot.

The female snaps her gaze in his direction and suddenly tenses at the sight of him. To everyone, Muriel was somehow terrifying from his scars, massive height and built body from his horrible Gladiator days. Her mind said to run but her heart said otherwise as her body slowly relaxed while taking in his features. Muriel’s cheeks instantly got warm and he averted his gaze from her form.

“How...did you get out here…?” he asked.

“I live here.” the woman stated.

Muriel blinked with widened eyes. She lives here? That couldn't be possible. There isn’t a single house anywhere nearby except for his. And he would know if anyone would be living out in the woods by now. Clearing his throat, his ears turned a slight red color as he continued.

“I don’t remember you ever coming into the forest….”

“That is because I am a forest spirit. I help protect the forest and its animals.” she smiled.

It made sense to him now. She isn’t exactly human since he couldn’t feel her presence before. Muriel shifted his feet before taking a small step closer, unsure if she’ll run or not. The woman only smiled and patted a spot next to her as Inanna was still resting on her lap in content. The big man grunted slightly before carefully getting closer to sit with her, keeping a good few feet between them.

“I didn’t know there was someone was living in this forest.”

“It’s just me….and Inanna….” he mumbled.

“Oh, so that’s her name. I like it. What’s yours?”


“I’m (Y/n). Nice to meet you.” she smiled.

The two of them talked for what seemed like hours, (Y/n) doing most of the talking as Inanna slept peacefully in her lap. She told him of how she was left in the forest when she was a young girl and that she made a deal with an Arcana to let her protect the animals in exchange for her human body. Thus earning a mark on her arm that somehow matches the one on his back. Muriel only grunted and nodded as he listened then glanced up at the sky to see it's a little past noon. He suddenly stood up with a grunt, his chains rattling from the sudden movement while he rolled his shoulders before glancing down at her.

“We need to go...We still have to hunt for food.”

(Y/n) frowned softly but nodded as Inanna finally woke from her sleep and made her way to Muriel’s form. “Will I see you again?”

“.....” Muriel stayed silent as he looked away, confused and irritated as to why his chest ached when she frowned at him. With a simple nod, he started to head home with Inanna on his heels, missing the bright smile that was plastered on her face.


Few weeks had passed since the day Muriel met (Y/n) and since then, he would come by almost everyday to see her. Sometimes he’d bring her protective charms that he made himself or bring flowers from another part of the forest to help decorate the wooden beams surrounding the pond. He’d do anything to see her smile. He enjoyed her company. The day he came back, he expected her to forget him like everyone else due to his gift but she wasn’t affected by it somehow. He was confused at first but later on he was glad that it didn’t, though he would never say that out loud.

Muriel was in the market on his was to visit Asra when one person’s conversation had reached his ear when he walked by.

“I heard there’s a pretty lady living in the woods outside of Vesuvia.” an elder man said

“I heard she’s a spirit protecting the forest.” another man commented.

“I heard that a few hunters were going into the woods to find her. Apparently, there’s an award for bringing back her heart.” a woman said with concern in her tone.

Muriel’s face went pale as his heart dropped. People found out about her and are willing to kill her for money. He had to go back and protect (Y/n) from them before it’s too late. As fast as he could, Muriel sprinted towards the forest, following the familiar path he always took to go see her. In a distance, voices coming from the pond where (Y/n) was before an echoing thunk was heard. When he got to the opening, two men were throwing knives at her as she tried to hide behind the wooden beams. One knife was suck in one of them, approximately around where her head would’ve been. A quiet growl escaped his throat as he got closer to the men, looming over them with a menacing glare. They both visibly tensed and slowly turned their heads to him.

“Leave. You’re not welcomed here.”

They quickly left with their tails between their legs, saying something within the lines of ‘the Scourge has returned’. With a huff, Muriel turned towards the wooden beams in search of her. When (Y/n) slowly peeked out from behind one, she saw that the men had gone away before bolting herself into the big man’s arms. Her arms just barely went all the way around his waist as she clung onto him, feeling him stiffen slightly. Pretty soon, he relaxed and rested his large hands on her shoulders.

“Are you alright? Not hurt, are you?” he asked, concern audible in his tone.

(Y/n) looked up at him and shook her head. “No, I’m not, thanks to you, Muri.”

“M-Muri…?” he stuttered, cheeks scratching a soft red.

“Yeah. That’s your nickname. Muri~” she giggled.

“....Guess it doesn’t sound that bad.” he gave a small smile.

He led her to the small pond and sat on the edge of it, sitting close to her as she told him stories. His eyes were closed as he listened, feeling content before they suddenly shot open as she rested herself against his side. Muriel glanced down at you before wrapping an arm around her shoulders, keeping (Y/n) close as she continued the story she was currently telling. Maybe one day he’ll try to ask her to stay with him in his hut, but right now, being here with her is all he wants.

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