Chapter 1

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"GET UP YOU, SLUT!!" I heard Alpha Jake yell outside. I opened my eyes and squinted at the sunlight peeking from my small window. I sat up from my makeshift bed groggily and rubbed my eyes. I looked on my broken alarm clock and my eyes widened to see that it's 5:40 am and I was supposed to cook for the pack starting in 5:00 in the morning. I cursed under my breath and stood up, almost falling flat on the floor. I went to my small bathroom and brushed my teeth. After brushing, I washed my face and thought that I'll just take a bath later since there's no time left. I put my hair into a ponytail and stepped out and rushed to the door.

Oh, I think I forgot to introduce myself. You see, my name is Auriana Peters, the lowest among the Omegas, the laughing stock and punching bag of the pack. I stood with a 5 foot and 6 inches height. Today is also my 16th birthday and I finally come to an age of finding my mate which I somehow know and expected that will reject me since everyone in the Dawn Pack loathes me.

All these abuse began when I was just 5 years old.


My parents, the pack's Beta and Beta Female was with me to play in the forest not too far from the pack house. While they are watching the little me play, we heard growls and my mommy and daddy took a defensive stance and surrounded my both sides. A bunch of rogues creeped closer from the bushes and growled at us. One rogue shifted into his human form and said, "Give us the girl." Both of my parents looked at me and mommy and daddy made eye contact and shook their heads. My parents shifted into their wolves and that one rogue too. The fight started and we are clearly outnumbered with 2 vs. 6. The rogues leaped all together and the fight began. I kept backing away. The rogues took both my parents and killed them.

I was crying and I heard some people, thinking that maybe my parents mindlinked them about the attack. The rogues were coming nearly but i guessed that they also heard the approaching footsteps and ran to the depths of the forest.
I ran to my parents' dead body and wailed. It was so much for a 5 year old to take in, I was traumatized. My father weakly said his words but I got it. He said, "You're special, Auri. We love you." and he finally closed his eyes.

The pack members finally arrived at the scene and to say that they were shocked was an understatement. They looked at my parents' corpses and then me. Their eyes suddenly looked at me with a little pity and mostly anger and disgust. They clearly blamed me for what happend to their Betas. My brother came and took in the sight before him, he looked at me with such anger and dissapointment.

"You, good for nothing girl! Look what you have done to your parents! It's your fault that our Betas are dead." Alpha Jake shouted at me.

"You are a disgrace to us, you bitch." Luna Jinky said, her voice full of conviction.

I looked at them with wide, teary eyes and clutched my mommy's shirt tighter. My brother, Allan, pulled me away from them and the pack members carried the bodies into the pack house for burial. They all left, except for Allan.

"I hate you, Auriana. You deserved to be blamed and I'm disowning you as my sister." He pushed me away from him and walked away.

End of Flashback...

I have waist long, curly, blonde hair. A blue eye on the left and gold one on the right. I have a light skintone and natural pink blush across my cheeks. I've got bruises tho from the abuse. I might look fat because I'm wearing loose and baggy clothes but I do have an hourglass shaped body. I see no need to show it to others. I know I'm beautiful because everyone has their own beauty, everyone.

I went downstairs to cook for the pack's breakfast and was immediately met by a slap from Alpha Jake himself. I fell to the floor from the impact and held my burning cheek.

"You are late, slut. You useless piece of Earth." remarked by Alpha Jake.

"I'm sorry, Alpha. Won't happen again." bowing my head and shielding my face.

"Damn right, it won't." and he walked away.

I immediately stood up and began cooking since the pack members will start to wake up by 6. My birthday was never special, since the incident. Never had a cake or a party anymore, too young to live in that part, eh? The pack doesn't let me eat with them, simply because they don't want to be in the same room as me, said that they couldn't stand it.

At 7:55, I finished cooking and started serving plates, utensils and food. I heard thundering footsteps and took that as a cue to leave. I ran to my room and locked it.

I got some clothes for today and stepped into the bathroom and started showering. I sighed and closed my eyes. It was very cold, I tell you but I'm used to it. I used my strawberry scented body wash and cleaned my body thoroughly. I hummed while showering and thought about my plan of leaving if my mate rejects me. For a better life and living. I can't wait to be out of this hellhole. Who knows what's waiting for me out there.

After 20 minutes, I wrapped my old towel to my body and wiped the water out, wearing my undies and clothes, I got out of the bathroom. I walked with a towel on my head and picked my strawberry lip balm for my chapped lips. I removed the towel and started combing my hair. I left my hair to air dry and stood up, picked up my worn out converse, picked my school bag up and walked to the door for school.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2019 ⏰

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