Chapter 3

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It was the Friday of the first week we were there, only 4 days in.
I was already having the best time.
Me and Seren decided we were going to go to the beach and spend some of the day there.

We left the house with 2 bags of stuff.
I had the picnic basket and Seren had the towels and water and stuff.
We found a really nice spot and settled down.
Seren layed the towels out and I placed the beach loungers.
I placed my sunglasses on and started eating.
"How's this then Dakota??"
"The Holiday??"
He nodded.
"It's great and even better that I get to spend it with you"
He blushed.
"Just imagine if we never met"
"I don't want to"
"Think about how different our lives would be"
"Or even think about if we had met and you didn't know I was Royal"
"We'd be living in New York, I'd still have my waitress job, we'd be living in a very cheap apartment etc"
"Yea it wouldn't be so bad though cause I'd be with you"
"....Would you still be with me if we did have that life??"
"What do you mean?? Of course!!"
"Well I mean like we wouldn't have much money, you'd barely ever see your Brother and well, it could be forever before we ever started to think about a child...."
"Dakota, still about this child thing, we were supposed to come here to forget about all that"
"I know but it's just when I have so much time to think about things I think about my responsibilities and having an Heir seems to be one of them now"
He gets up and grabs my hand to bring me with him.
"Where are we going?!?!" I laughed.
"Back to the house, we're going to look at our 2 year photo album and all the really great times we had and more to come"
We galloped through the soft and heavy sand to the house.
We were standing outside when Seren was getting the keys from his pocket.
"Got em" He said as he shows me them.
I leaned over, still laughing, for a kiss.
He leaned down to me slightly and gave me one.
There was a flash.
"Did you see something??"
I looked around but couldn't see anything either.
"Huh?? I dunno then"
I kinda shuck it off.
It mustn't have been anything.
He opened the door and we walked inside.
I took of my glasses and threw them to the side.
Seren went to get the photo album.

That night I was looking through all the pictures of me and Seren on my phone.
"Senn look at this one!!"
I showed him the picture from our wedding of me smushing some cake on his face.
"Oh yea I remember how angry my family was with that"
"Hey it was a Royal wedding but it was my wedding too"
We giggled.
"Oh and this one!!"
I showed him the picture we took together in New York when we first met.
"Little did we know huh??"
"Yep, little did we know how happy we'd be"
"And how in love we'd be too"
We decided to call it a night after that.

The next day I woke up and checked my phone.
Seren was still asleep so I went out to the open sitting room and kitchen to make some breakfast.
I sat on the couch for a bit and then got a text.
It was from Kaden.
Oh great a Royal Kingdom emergency.
I quickly opened the text to see what it was.
-"Open and look at the paper quick!!"-
I replied
-"What Kaden??"-
I went to get the paper and on the first page -

-"Queen Dakota and King Seren finally having a babymoon!?!?"-

With the picture of me kissing Seren at the door last night.

A what?!?!
What is this and how did they get this picture!?!?
He rushed into the sitting room and kitchen to me.
"What!! What's wrong?!?!" He panicked.
I didn't say anything and just held up the paper.
"How did they?! How did they get this?!?!"
He went over to the phone and called Sebastian and Flora.
"We're coming down here now"
"Seren what are we going to do"
"Yea ok, make sure there's no one else there"
"Seren how did they??"
He shrugged and was worried.

We finally made it down to the small building where they were.
We walked in fast and were really worried and scared.
"Was there anyone else on the Island?? Is there anyone else on the Island??"
"No but there was last night, 2 people came and we told them that it was a private Island, the lady that was there had to use the bathroom so I sent her that way-"
"-The way to our house"
"-And the guy that was there just wanted directions-"
"-Just wanted that picture of us"
"-So I gave him directions and within seconds the lady was back and left with the guy"
"They took a picture of us and now it's everywhere that we are here to have a baby"
Seren was getting furious and honestly I was too but we couldn't take it out on them like that.
"Seren what are we going to do??"
"We have to leave"
"We have to go back to the Kingdom and clear things up"

Our get away vacation was cut still nearly 2 weeks short.

We got back to the Kingdom and the second we got off the plane we were greeted by our family and some of the Nobles.
"Well done Queen Dakota!! You took my advice" Says Lord Pallou all smugly.
"We weren't on a babymoon" I said as we continued walking off.
Seren's mother came up to us in a hurry.
"Is it true Seren??"
"No mother"
"Are you's having a baby??"
"No Mrs. we're not, it was a story made up by the tabloids"
We made it into the Kingdom without any Paparazzi.
But to my surprise Eriksonne walked up to us very mad.
"Seren!! How couldn't you tell me??"
"....No, Dakota surely you would've told me!?!?"
"Eriksonne, we're not having a baby yet...."
"....You're not??" He asks me.
"No, we're not, it was a story made up by the tabloids"
"Oh like that time they spread the rumor about how I was getting married to Lady Kiara"
"But you are married to Lady Kiara"
"Yea but I wasn't gonna be at the time!!"
"I'm not sure if it's completely like that but it's something like that I guess"
I replied to him.

What are we going to do?!?!
The whole Kingdom and other places think we're having an Heir!?!?

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