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(F/N's dream)

It was cold day. I stared at the outside in the comfort of my own room. Droplets of water impatiently tapped upon my window. Waiting for me to come play with them. Sliding the glass open, hearing the pitter patter of the rain dance. Looking back inside, nothing out of the ordinary. It was completely blank. No toys, no gaming system, just a bed, dresser, and a table. Wanting to have fun, I grabbed a hold of the clear glass. As I gazed upon the ground, wondering if I should get out. Deciding I would, I leaped onto ground.

I ran around the courtyard, as water splashed into my face. Before I knew it, I noticed the rain had stopped. Tilting my head to the grey sky, I saw water pouring down but nothing was toppling over me. It was as if an invisible shield was above me. I gradually lifted my hand, piercing the shield. With my hand outside, water began to trickle onto my arm. Next thing I know, Gran barked out my name. The barrier faded and I was once again wet.

A flash came, and I was in the tub taking a bath. Heading into my room, shouts echoed in the hallway. I walked towards the howling. Spotting that Mom was fighting with Gran.

"(F/N) is my child, I will train her to be evil along side her older brother!" Mom shrieked.

"She needs to decide whether or not her path is on the side of good or evil," Gran yelled.

Gran then noticed me beside the wall. She began speak my name, but her voice shifted to a boys...

"(F/N), wake up," young Garmadon called.

I fluttered my eyes open to see that we were no longer in the snake tomb and inside the forest. Sitting up, seeing the Hypnobrai constructing Llyod's massive hideout up in the tree's. Seeing the sun had almost in the middle of the sky, it was noon. Llyod yelled at the general, calling out more traps. Wandering around the ground, the Snakes seemed sluggish. I stumbled upon one of them, their tummy was rumbling.

Knowing that all of us needed to eat, with some snakes behind me. We searched for food, finding a nearby farm. Ordering the snakes to take as much as they could carry without being spotted. Knocking on the door, it opened very slightly. I quickly ran into the kitchen and took some kitchen ware. Staring into the fridge, spotting beef with my little eye. Snatching it, we left the farm.

After creating a fire, I walked upon a nearby stream. Scooping the water into the pot, going back to boil it over the flames. Chopping the veggies, the beef. Not long, the soup was completed. As the wind blew the broth smell high up into the trees, every snake began to climb down.

"Dinner is served," I call.

After I had fed everyone, I grabbed myself some soup as well. Crouching down, I watched the night sky. It was filled with stars. As I gazed upon them, invisible lines connected with some. It lined to make a cat. I watched as it had turned into something. As more lines crossed, it became a snake. I soon saw another take shape and it was a person with some sort of staff. 

Awhile later, I began to walk around the grounds. I watched as Llyod was on some wood the snakes were carrying.

"If I see one girl here," the young mastermind said," I'm gonna go ballistic."

"Have you forgotten that I am here?" I asked him.

"Okay any girl, beside (F/N)."

It was the next day, things were going pretty nice. Walking next to Llyod, he asked one of the Hypnobrai to hold a sign. Doing so, he pulled a wooden lever and the next thing was uncalled for. The floor opened and the serpent fell to the ground. While Llyod began his laugh, I felt bad and looked from the open floor to see if they were okay.

Not long, the fortress began to crumble and I found that the ninja's were up to this. As it toppled, I followed behind Llyod. As the second in command of the Hypnobrai told them retreat, Llyod insisted that they protect the treehouse. Although, Karma came to bite Llyod in the butt. Skales had pulled the trigger, which dropped Llyod and I into a cage. 

They took us out of the cage and tied a piece of rope to one of our wrists. We grabbed the staff from the Ninjas home. After finding the staff, flames had grown onto every inch of the place. Once we saw a dragon, the serpentine ran back to the icy tomb. Arriving back, Llyod order help from the General. This had lead to a battle for the staff.

The General Vs. the Second in command. The battle was fierce, watching it I wondered if this is what the snakes did for fun this whole time. Continuing, they had put in two weapon. Interested, I wondered the outcome. Seeing Skales go for the final blow, I heard the snakes talk about fangkwondo. Skales held victorious. Skales then pointed to me.

"Since you had been kind to us little girl," he began," I let you and your idiot friend go, but don't ever return.'

We did exactly what he told us and left that ice pit. On the way out, I looked at at Llyod. We were in the dessert and stumbled upon the seeing the ninjas inside a boat with a dragon shaped head. Looking to see my friend, it seemed like the time when I heard that my Gran had died. 

Before I could say anything, the young Garmadon began to walk away looking at a map. I don't recall him having that at the tree house.

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