Chapter 1: the beginning of the story

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I barely recognised myself as I stood and reflected the past 20 years. I heard the metal gates clash together it echoed in the distance behind me. Emptiness filled my body whilst loneliness took over. Thoughts raced wildly in my head.

I strolled the silent streets whilst all hope had been lost. I arrived at my new accommodation some call me lucky. I guess I am in a way to have a roof over my head but my life is far from where I wanted it to be, far from lucky, even further from perfect.

The bed squeaked as I sat on it. I lay back and close my eyes. The noise was horrendous arguing, laughing, shouting even music. It's 3am and all I have are my thoughts to keep me company.

I hadn't realised I had drifted off to sleep. I must have as I woke up staring at the clock. It's 6am and I was wide awake. I decide to go for a stroll down the canal.

I didn't mind the rain drenching me or the wind taking me back it was nice to have freedom finally. Although what is freedom when your trapped in your own head.

I stood and stared at the person I see before me. It's me mirrored back to myself in the  murky water. I continue to reminisce but flashbacks take over. I freeze and take a step back. I'm stuck in the past.

I gasp as the blue lights flash before me. How can a man be innocent yet guilty at the same time. My family lost in a split second as my future disappeared.

My beautiful childhood sweetheart. Her brunette hair brushed over her face whilst her piercing green eyes stood out in a distance. My heart still skipped a beat every time I saw her. I was the luckiest guy in the world to wake up and go to bed with the woman of my dreams.

we had 2 beautiful babies Luca and Everliegh. I was a proud regular family guy with a simple life I wake up go to work come home. Except from that day the day that took away my life and took away my family.

I didn't realise I would leave the family home to go to work and end up in prison. My family end up in heaven.

I shouldn't have stopped for that drink with my colleagues it cost me and my family our lives in different ways. I have to live with guilt that I don't even know is real or not.

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