Laundry 4/11/19

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You've been running errands since morning time, so you decide to call Michael, "Hey, Mikey?" "Yeah, babe?" "I'll be home in 15, do you think you could put the clothes in the washing machine for me?" After a small pause, he finally answers, "Yeah, sure." You thank him just as you leave the supermarket. As you head home, you mentally check off things on your to-do list: The last thing is laundry, and Michael is already taking care of it. When you get into the house, Southy greets you with a wagging tail and you put the groceries down onto the island. "Mikey?" No response. You pay it no mind and put up the groceries, leaving out what you were gonna use to make dinner. BANG. What the fuck?? You speed walk into the laundry room, where the sound came from. "Ummmm." You look on the floor to see Michael sitting with a knocked over bottle of fabric softener and a newly drenched instruction manual. "Care to explain?" you ask while trying to keep a straight face. "Babe, I have no fucking clue how to use this thing," he admits and points at the washer, "it looks like all you do is put the clothes in and press on." You bust out laughing at his pouty face and help the big guy up to his feet. You pat his back and tell him to start dinner. Just before he leaves the room, he gives you a quick peck on the lips and shyly smiles, "Sorry." You giggle and reassure him, reminding him to put the stove on low heat. Now, to clean up the mess. @nvrgnnmkt   -K

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