Cookies 4/23/19

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Ashton has been grumpy all day so you decided to bake him some cookies in hopes that his sweet tooth would lure him into opening up. He's taking a nap in your room, so you try to be as quiet as possible, whispering cuss words whenever the cookie sheet or the oven made too much noise. It's finally time to put the cookies in the oven after mixing the ingredients and you sneak a peek into your bedroom to check on your boyfriend. His red hair is scattered across the pillow and his eyebrows are slightly furrowed as little snores escape his agape mouth. Almost squealing at the cuteness in your view, you snap a picture and slowly leave the room. BEEEEEP. *Goddamnit could you be any louder, Mr. Oven??* You take out the cookies and set them on the stovetop to cool for fifteen minutes. When time is up, you load the cookies onto a plate and head back to your room where surprisingly enough, Ashton is wide awake. "Hey babes," you slowly walk over to him, "do you feel any better?" He responds with a huge yawn and wordlessly pats the empty space on the bed. You sit down smiling and nudge the cookies towards him, "They're your favoriteeeee," making him smile and take a treat. A few chews in and he hums in satisfaction, "Babe these are reallyyy good." You giggle at his first words and look at him in the eyes, "Do you wanna talk about why you were upset?" He stares back at you and swallows the cookie, "To be honest, I think I was just tired... I'm sorry for making you worry like that," he pulls you into a warm hug, "and thanks for the cookies." You smile and mumble in his embrace, "Anytime. And don't worry about it, I just want you to know that I'm here to talk if you want. You shouldn't keep things bottled up, y'know?" He hums contently and kisses the top of your head, appreciating how much you care for him. @nvrgnnmkt -K

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