3. Maverick

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When Cora moved in with Maverick the was excited to have new friends. She and Maverick immediately clicked. A week after she moved in, she started going to school with Maverick. She spotted her boyfriend, Jaxon, and decided to show him off to her best friend, Maverick. When she and Mav got up to Jax (I'm too lazy to keep writing their full names) they give eachother death stares and then Jax gets mad that Cora is with Mav and breaks up with her. A few days later,  she starts dating Mav. She is happy with him but still isn't over Jax. She still loves him but she knows she can't be with him since she's now with Mav. She nicely asks Mav if her and Jax can at least still be friends but he says no and ignores her for the rest of the day. That happened multiple times. Besides that,  they had a great relationship. A few months later,  Cora had to move again because her foster sister was accusing her of stuff she didn't do. She swore that after what happened with Jaxon and Maverick she wouldn't date again. That stayes true until she met Dallas.

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