Special Chapter[Halloween]

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Girl's Side

"Francine" Chleo called me from the dressing room.

"Yeah?" Francine asked her.

"Are you sure this cat costume would look good at me?" She replied back.

"Chleo, we wear the same costume though, of course it would look good on you, you are pretty" Francine said to her again.

"Hey guys, do you where the boys at?" Arian asked them then Chleo stepped outside of the dressing room.

"Cuuuttiiee" Francine and Arian said together as they pinch Chleo's cheeks.

"Nyaahh, stwop wit(stop it)"Chleo said in annoyance.

"Sorry sorry" Francine apologized to her.

"Maybe they're at some home of those three drinking?" Francine added.

"Maybe?" Arian said then Chleo nodded.

"Who would be our first client to trick or treat?" Chleo said thinking.

"How about the boys?" Francine suggested then Chleo quickly agreed but Arian got deep thoughts.

"(What would James think about my face in this costume? I look sucks..)" Arian thought of herself.

"Hey Arian? What's with the long face?" Chleo asked her then she shook her head.

"Nothing..hehehe" Arian said to her then she added, "Let's go to them?"

"Yes!" Francine and Chleo said.

Then they three went to each of those three to check if they were there.

Boy's side

"Hey Cairo, had you messaged Francine to get the girls here?" Qin asked Cairo but he shook his head.

"They're not online" Cairo replied back to Qin.

"Ahhhh, Ariiaannn, where are yuu" James said as he waves his drink in the air.

Likely..Qin, Cairo and James went drinking at Cairo's house. James was so drunk, Qin likely controlling his self not to go for more shots and Cairo went off laughing for those two since he doesn't drink.

"Cairroo, have somm, the girls wouldn't searched for us ya knoww.." James said to Cairo.

"Nah..I don't wanna drink" Cairo said to him.

"Come on Mehn..just one drink" Qin also said to Cairo.

"Okay, just one drink" Cairo said to them but then he continued until two shots and forgot that he got low tolerance at alcohol which would make him easily drunk.

*knock knock knock*

"Ho's der?(who's there)"James asked.

"Arian, Chleo and Francine!"

After they knew their names, they quickly acted as if they weren't drinking.

"C-Come i-inside!" Qin said to them then they heard the door open.

Girl's side

"Am I just the one smelling alcohol here?" Francine asked Chleo and Arian but they shook their head.

"I smell it" Chleo said to her.

"Me neither" Arian also said to her.

"Guys, go to my back, maybe they're at the living room" Francine said to them then they went to the living room.

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