Au Revoir

210 16 15

The last bell rang and it shows that the school end for today.
Heejin sigh deeply and brings herself to the school rooftop.
She sits herself on a bench, letting the cold wind hit her face.
She's nervous.

On the other hand,
'Yuckie' footsteps fasten up.
He's soon to be there.
When he arrived,
he saw her figure.
Oh, even not seeing her face
is already beautiful.

She turns around.
Total schocks fill her body.
Oh no, it's you.

Haechan smiles.
He waved at her.
He walks towards her.

"Hello. I'm Yuckie."
".. Heejin."
"I know. I am the one
behind those sticky
"Is it a joke? Since
you're the school
biggest prankster."
"No. It's not, I truly
have feelings for
you, Na Heejin"
"Stop playing
around Haechan."

She's leaving.
She feels sick.
Why would out of all
it be him?

Sticky Troubles | Haechan LeeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz