Part 1

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You maybe wonder who I am...well I am a famous pop singer Marcus Gunnarsen from that duo named "Marcus & Martinus". You propably think that I have a perfect life full of happines but that's just what our fans see. They don't see our hard work,so much hours spent in studio when we are making music and all stuff...they see just that we are famous, rich and popular but it's not like that...we are also normal people, we also laugh when we are happy and cry when we are all,we don't even have that "perfect" life. I often wish that I would be just a normal teenager and have a totally normal life...but now let me tell you my story.
"Ugh, okay, I am awake" i said to myself and turned my alarm off.
I went to brush me teeth and then I took a shower.
After that I dressed up and went downstairs where was my younger twin Martinus eating his breakfast.
"Good morning Tinus" I said. Tinus turned his head to me and said "Good morning to you too bro" and gave me that warm smile.
After we ate our breakfast we went to school.
• At the school •
Me and my brother are sitting next to each other and we are having chemistry now. We are both so bored so we are writing "messages" to each other on the piece of paper.
"This is so boring! I hate chemistry :( " I wrote on that paper and gave it to Tinus. He read that and wrote here "I know Mac, it's same with me...but we need to get good grades because in one month we are going on now we need to pay attention to teacher, you know,it's important :'( " I read it. Then I turned my head to Tinus and just nodded.
"It will be okay, don't worry" Tinus whispered to me.
"I hope so" I answered and gave him a little smile.
"Gunnarsens! Please be quite! If you want to tell something to each other do it at the break, but not in my lesson!" She said mad. Me and Tinus just nodded.
"Ring!...ring!...ring!" our school bell rang.
"Ugh, finally! I can go home now! See you tomorrow guys!" Our friend Jake said.
"Yeah,see you tomorrow! Bye!" Me and Tinus said at the same time.
Then Jake left.
Tinus: "Ugh,I wish that we could go home now, just like them. I wish I could hang out with you and our friends after school except going to studio and work again!" He said sadly.
Mac: "I know Tinus, I am also really tired. I would rather to go home now and just relax except going to studio... sometimes I wish that we wouldn't be famous,just be normal teenagers who have girlfriends,hang out with their friends,go on parties,etc." I responded sadly too.
Tinus: "Yeah, but now we need to go or we will be late and our manager John will yell at us again" he said and rolled his eyes.
Mac: "Yeah,let's go" I said and did the same.
• A few minutes later •
"Hello John. We are here."  Me and Mac said at the same time.
John: "You two are late, again! Who do you think you are that you don't need to come here on time,hm?" He yelled at us. As I said, John is again yelling on us. But it's not for the first time,he does it really often, even if we come on time he yells at us,so...we got used to it.
"We are really sorry. We will try to be there on time tomorrow" me and Mac said at the same time.
John: "You will try?! No! You will be there at 15:00 tomorrow! Understand?!" He yelled at us again. And it all starts all over again...
• At home •
Gerd-Anne (our mom): "Hey boys! How was your day?" She asked us politely.
"It was good" we both replied, as always.

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