The wedding

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Violetta´s Pov

Red lipstick and purple eye shadow.
My dress is stripless and white.
I wish you were here mum, to see me in your dress.
Her dad walks in. Violetta you look beautiful, just like your mum.
*She smiles
It's time to go are you ready? he asks.
I walk in my fine dress, cami fran and ludmilla are holding the back of my dress.
I see Leon he looks amazing, he is soo cute.
I walked to him with my dad holding me at my side.

Leon's Pov.

Violetta was gorgeous in that dress.
We looked at each other,we stared in each others eyes for a long time.
She was soo beautifull.

Leon Vergas and Violetta Castillo are allowed to have a speech. Maxi said in the microphone.

Leon: My lovely Violetta you have no idea how fast my heart beats when i see you. Everyone says you only fall in love once but that's not true, every time i see you i fall in love over and over again. Our love doesn't have an happy ending cause true love never ends. Violetta i love you not only for what you are but for what i am, when i am with you.

*Everybody claps

Violetta: Some guys are like stars there are MILLIONS of them but only ONE can make my dream come true and that is you. When i saw you for the first time in the studio i was afraid to meet you. when i met you i was afraid to kiss you. When i kissed you i was afraid to love you. Now that i love you i am afraid to lose you.

*Everybody claps

Now it's time to really get married maxi said.

Leon Vergas do you want Violetta Castilo as your true wife ?
What is your answer to that ?

Leon: Yes i do

Violetta Castillo do you want Leon Vergas to be your true husband?
What is your answer to that?

Violetta: Yes i do

*Leon puts the ring on the vinger of Violetta
and Violetta does the same.

I declare you two husband and wife.
You may now kiss the bride.

*everybody claps
*They dance
*Violetta's phone rings

Phone conversation

Violetta: Hello ?
Manager: Hello violetta it's me your manager
Violetta: OOh hello
Manager: I have news for you, you are going to tournee tomorrow.
Violetta: Wa-wat ?!! no no no i can't, i am just married. I can't i'm sorry.
Manager: Violetta you have to think about your fans, tomorrow 14:30 the car is at your house, your going to Spain. Till tomorrow.
Violetta: BU-BUT
*Manager hangs the phone.

Cliffhanger or not??
What do you guys think is she going on tournee for her lovely fans or is she going on her honeymoon with Leon? Hope you guys liked this chapter

Lots of love -xxxx- Nelly

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