Chapter 1: Home

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(Eight years ago)

The days were long and the nights were short as I hid in the tree waiting for my target to walk by. I put my hand on the demon next to me named Crow... He's a Crow, well, a demon crow. He's been with the family for years. He used to be mom's companion until I was born and then he devoted his life to protect me. I'm Ten and I'm not dead yet so he's been doing good.


Demon Crow
Three forms
2:oversized Crow
Quiet and can be a smartass, loving and overprotective

As we sat in the tree he tapped my shoulder and pointed to the man walking with a knife, I smile as I got my bow and arrows ready. "Ready?" I whispered to Crow who was in his human form. "Yes, " he nodded before turning into his second form. I got on his back as he got ready to fly. "Let's go, " I whispered as he flew down and as I pulled my arrow back in my bow shooting at the man.
I almost shot him making him look up in surprise, as I jump off of Crow and pulling out my sword and landing on top of the man. I held the sword to the man's neck before... "Y/N! Honey!" Mom yelled. I got off the man and stuck my sword in its sheath.

I helped up the man as he smiles. "Good Job y/n you're getting better at this, " he said. "Thanks, Dad, " I responded sweetly as Crow landed on my shoulder in his first form. We walked to the house to see mom in the doorway with a bright smile.
"You two need to get washed up, y/n can you take and go to the river and get some water?" She asked. Crow then flew over to my mom.

I smiled and nodded as I grabbed the bucket before making my way down to the river. As I walked I let my smile fade into nothing. When I got there I got some water into the bucket looking at my reflection in the water before seeing someone else In the water making me look up to see someone standing on the other side of the stream of water. He looked at me with an ice-cold look, he had beautiful long hair as he just looked down upon me.
"My lord!" I heard someone yell making me look over to see a frog thing run out from the woods to the man. He didn't take his eyes off me as the small demon looked at the man than to me. "Eh, a human! What are we doing here my lord? We have no duty with this little girl," He stated looking to the man.

The man didn't say anything as he then started walking away. I shook my head before pulling the bucket out of the water, I quickly made my way back home. "What took so long?" Mom asked as she took the bucket. I simply shrugged before getting ready to eat. My home isn't perfect and we are very poor, lucky to have food and clean water. We make do with everything we have.

I sat and ate as I think back at what happened at the pond... 'Was he looking at me or something behind me? Why didn't he say anything? Who was he?' All these questions, they ran through my head a thousand times.

"Y/n are you okay?" Mom asked making me look up at her, I nodded giving her a smile. As we finished up I help clean up and then went to bed.


The air was thick making me cough myself awake. "Y/n!" I heard mom yell as she busted through the door of my room. She quickly grabbed me and pushed me to the window, before we could do anything the door got busted down to reveal a man. He had on red cloth as his hair was long and white but what stood out to me the most was the ears on the top of his head.
"Get away from them you bastard!" Dad yelled making the man turn and look at him with a smirk.

As he turned mom quickly got us both out of the house. We made our way to the pond. "What about dad?" I asked turning and looking at the house as I heard dad scream with the house burning down in flames. As we got to the pond the man made it to us slapping my mom as I cowered into the water. "W-who are you?!" Mom asked the man, he smiled before slashing my mom making her fall limp in the water. "Inuyasha!" Someone yelled as I cried.

He quickly left as a woman made her way to me. "Are you alright child?" She asked softly. I quickly ran to her crying. "I'm Kikyo, your okay now," she reassured me.

8 years later

I looked out the window dwelling on the memory of everything. 'Every one of them is dead... Mom, dad, crow, ' I thought to myself. Since then a lot has changed. I now live in a palace as the adopted daughter to the thrown of the prince. Today is my wedding day. I sighed as I walked down the lone and cold halls of the palace before my father happened to run into me. "Y/n!" He yelled in shock at seeing me. "You are supposed to be getting ready! Your wedding is in a few hours!" He yelled.

"I don't want to get married, " I simply said before I started walking past him. He grabbed my arm stopping me.

"Y/n don't be complicated, you need to get married, " he said glaring at me. I yanked my arm away from him. "Come on! Why the hell do I even need a man?! You just don't want a girl to take you're thrown because it will bring shame to the family name well guess what buster! Women are more sophisticated than men could ever think about being, " I bluntly said before I started to walk away once again.

He grabbed me and pulled me back before slapping me making me yelp. "If a woman is so smart then why the hell did your pathetic mother ever have you?" He asked as he grabbed my hair and drugged me to my room. "Now you're going to get in there and get ready for this wedding!" He snapped as he threw me into the room.
I quickly got up and went to get out but he slammed the door locking it. I screamed and paced around the room feeling my blood boil in anger before I looked over to the window.

(Rewriting) My Demon (Sesshomaru X Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat