Much Ado About Shakespear ~ A Modern Version of Much Ado About Nothing

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“So I think that’s pretty much everything about campus that you need to see” Harriet, my old family friend and university roommate informed me as we walked into a café. It was my first day at Cambridge University, Harriet and her cousin bailey had studying here for a year already. I had known both of them since childhood as all of our parents where undergraduates together at Cambridge. 

“This café is where we and the other legacy’s meet for lunch every day.” Harriet tells me as we make our way to the counter to buy our meals. 

“Other legacy’s?” I ask, fearing I already know what she means 

“other people whose parents and grandparents have been at Cambridge before them.” Harriet said, not seeming at all fazed by her announcement. Poor sweat innocent Harriet, she had never been one to question the goings on with our families, never found it strange that we were always treated special because of our parents, she just sat back and accepted what she was told. To her life was a fairy tale, everything that needed to workout would, good people would be rewarded bad would be punished. It wasn’t unusual for me to want to snap some sense into her, but as her cousin often told me why should we take her happiness away from her? It was those belifes that made her such an unusually kind and good person. Something me and bailey could both learn from. 

“You’re in for a treat, the rugby team just returned from the varsity match against oxford. This will be the first time we see them since their victory. It might be smart not to mention you mother was an oxford girl however.” Harriet said smiling at me. I grimaced at her words, whilst my father had been a Cambridge student my mother had graduated from oxford. This had been a big for my father’s social group who hadn’t realised there was more to life than what university you went to. 

“so here we are. Ursula this is peter, captain of the varsity rugby team” I nodded at an attractive looking jock seated at the head of the table everyone was congregated at. “That is his brother john” I received a glare from surly boy seated on his other side. “Next to him are Brendon and Calvin” the two boys both nodded at me before looking at john, as if they were checking for approval. “Across from him is john’s….. Friend Margret.” A tall harsh girl nodded at me, pursing her lips as she did so. “and finally we have Benjamin, vice-captain of the rugby team” the final person was an extremely attractive boy, he was obviously tall with dark brown hair falling messily into his darker brown eyes. He was currently wearing a pair of square frames whilst reading a book. When he looked up at me he raised his eyebrows and gave me an extremely attractive smirk. I was sorry to say I melted. 

“whe..Where is bailey?” I manage to squeak out looking away from Benjamin as quickly as was possible. 

“She said she had to see her lecturer about some matter or another, look, she is coming now.” John told me I looked behind me to see she was indeed coming towards us. Bailey was very different from her cousin in many ways, where her cousin was fair and petite, with straight blond hair that fell down her back bailey was tall with dark wavy hair that she always wore tied up. The only trait that bailey and Harriet had in common was their unusually pale skin. A feature I had been envious of all my life I had known them. 

“Well why don’t you come sit by me, I apologise I never caught your name?” the attractive boy sitting across from me asked pulling the seat out from besides him. It took me a moment to realise who he was referring to, and before I could move over to sit beside him bailey had slipped into the seat next to him. 

“Bailey!” Harriet exclaimed when she did, sounding like a scolding mother. 

“What?” bailey said, looking around confused “oh wait was someone else going to sit here?” she quickly stood as if to move out of her chair but I cut her off. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2012 ⏰

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