Secret Told

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He hated this feeling. How stupid could he be to let this even happen he thought to himself."Leon...". The teen turned back to look at a classmate at his."I'm sorry,after what happened with your sister rejecting me...I just wanted everyone to stop talking about it so-"."So you decided to do this!?" Leon spat angrily "no one knew! I wanted to be the one to choose when to tell people and where to tell them!"."I-I'm sorry..."."Just stop talking for once Marvin!" Leon spat angrily before he walked off in rage. He left his one secret open all because he forgot to throw away a piece of scrap paper and it had to be found by loud mouth Marvin of all people. Everyone knew now and he hated it. The boy angrily kicked a trashcan outside hard breaking it open before he kept walking along. The boy finally reached his home hoping no one was home,all he wanted to do was be alone.

Leon sighed softly and unlocked the front door before walking in and only to be met with Peter."Hey kid..."."Father..." Leon said softly."Your school called today.....i know what it was there you wanna tell me?"."I'm....I'm gay" Leon softly said as Peter smiled and put a hand on his shoulder."So? You're still my son no matter what" The man said softly as the teen teared up and hugged him. Peter smiled softly and hugged his son back as the boy knew his secret was out.

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