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I lost you once before. 

That's the most broken I ever recall being. But there's beauty in the brokenness.

For a while, I thought I'd survive. I thought you'd just have been another infatuation disguised as the face of love, but I don't even think I could've convinced myself that, no matter how hard I could've tried.

Jenifer Lewis taught me to confront what's going on in my own house. I didn't quite know how to do that, how to fix what's going on inside, I'm so used to running from myself. 

I truly don't remember what my love life looked like before you, and I don't care to. I think we have the greatest unwritten love story ever.

The best part about it, is no matter how far apart we may sail, we always gravitate back. 

And each time we come back, it's like I fall back  in love a thousand times harder. 


I don't use that word often.


I don't think I'm using it inappropriately, prematurely or superficially.

I probably did fall in love with you back in 2016. I just didn't notice it, and I purposely chose not to notice it. I had dreams of you.

But, I think the time is right. And we're gonna do it right this time.

Because I'm not losing you again.

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