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from youngest to eldest

He is the definition of a cutie pie. He's just a tiny bit pervertive though when he's with the guys or when all of you goof around but he's such a little bean. He's the shortest of the group of guys but ofcourse you're still shorter than this baby. He's outgoing and charismatic and all around the goof ball of the group.

One of the tallest members of the group but is the 2nd youngest like bro, chillax on the height. He's the definition of a cat, a bipolar piece of shi-- anyways. He'll be happy for awhile then you blink and he's suddenly throwing a glass bottle onto someone's head. Get this man a therapist, please. He's pretty shy but not too much and  he's the dude you go to for book recommendation. Also..... s a s s

Dear Lord, Zach. He's the 2nd shortest of the group and the one who's the most reserved. He's quiet and doesn't talk alot but when he does he's very shy and blushes the easiest. He's probably the most sane person in your group and is most likely to be the person you go to for advice. He's the introvert, to put abluntly. But still a soft baby boi when you get to really know him.

This dude, man, person, guy, whatever the fu you want to call him, he's the independent one. He may not be the eldest but he's definitely the one you can count on. He's understanding, always putting others first... Basically the mom of the group. Though when you get into his goof ball side, it's gonna be a long time for you to get him to be responsible again.

Well what can I say about this doofus. He's... Well he's pervertive, for one. A foul mouthed git and CAN THIS GUY SHUT UP FOR ONE SECOND! Does he even know what the word 'quiet' means? He's like a fire that can never be put off. Let's go back to him being pervertive. He's pervertive alright. He's the dude in the group that probably has an account for all of the porn websites and always has a condom in his pocket just in case. Can you believe this bitch?

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