Introduction Part 2

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Full Name: Kameron David
Height: 5'9
Hobbies: Cockroaches and you being shy
Strenghts: His cheeks
Famous Lines:
"Mother of my dog's 2nd cousin!"
"Ha ha ha" *hint the sarcasm*

Full Name: Henry Travis
Height: 6'1
Hobbies: Basketball and reading
Weaknesses: Your puppy dog eyes
Strengths: His height
Famous Lines:
"What the fuuuuuuuuuuuck?"
"Sucks to be you."
"Wait wait wait wait... HE DID WHAT?!"

Full Name: Zachary Alec
Height: 5'11
Hobbies: Being alone (just kidding) Painting
Weaknesses: Compliments
Strenghts: His art skills and his eyes
Famous Lines:
"Woah, didn't know it did that."
"Such a... Motherfucker."
"Shove off, dude."

Full Name: Kean Newt Nimbus
Height: 6'0
Hobbies: Soccer and Basketball
Weaknesses: Your pout, smile, and rats
Famous Lines:
"Feet off the table!"
"Clean up after yourselves, you little rats!"

Full Name: Ken Ambrose
Height: 6'3
Hobbies: Watching por--*cough* Track and Feild
Weaknesses: Getting rejected
Strengths: His long ass legs
Famous Lines:
"Suck a dick!" (watch DanPlan's FBI quiz video on youtube and hear how steven/stephen says this phrase. that's how ken says it)
"That's what she said."
"Fuck me, I know you want to."

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