~Chapter 3~

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I laid in bed with Soda and Pony. Soda had his arms wrapped around me I thought he was asleep until he said something.
"Jessie can you face me?"
He asked lightly trying not to wake up Pony. I turned to face him. He brushed my hair out of my face.
"You seem upset you didn't eat at all and barely talked"
I kept quiet at his statement. I felt my eyes glass over. I wasn't going to let myself shed a tear I have wanted to tell someone how I felt about Johnny I just never couldn't. I didn't realize the years finally started to fall down my cheeks. He brushed them away with his thumb.
"What's wrong?"
He asked lightly but this time for me. I was trying to hold back but I exploded.
"Oh Soda why did I leave everything is ruined now"
I said sobbing into his shoulder.
"What's ruined?"
"Everything I was supposed to tell Johnny I I loved him but I left and now he is with Kim and I have to be her friend and I have to hide everything from Johnny it's not fun at all"
I said between sobs. He didn't looked shocked or anything.
I asked wiping my eyes.
"Oh sorry I knew it I see you around him don't worry no one else has noticed"
He stated. I smiled then fell asleep. I was glad to be home.

Dinner with Johnny:
"So what do you want?"
I asked once we finished our food.
"Can we just enjoy our company"
He said. I gave him a glare.
I said. He sighed.
"I know this is embarrassing but for Kim's birthday I'm taking her to a ballroom dance since she is learning but there is one problem I don't know how to ballroom dance"
He said. I was shocked.
"I can give you lessons tomorrow and Thursday she learned how to ballroom dance the whole two hours tonight so I don't see why I can teach you"
I said. He smiled.
"Ok let's go home"
He said grabbing my hand and dragging me out the booth. "
We got to go meet up with the gang"
He said I gave him a confused look.
I asked. He smiled.
"Because we might have a surprise for you too"
He said. I giggled he was crazy. I hopped into Darry truck he turned to me as he started the car.
He said with his brown eyes glowing in the moon light. I nodded and he took off. We showed up at some sort of club and I saw the boys out front. They were all chuckling uncontrollably as they saw us pull up. I stepped out and they laughed even harder.
I asked. I heard songs blasting through the door.
"Some one is here to see you"
Soda said as he stepped out of the way to reveal a muscular man with brown hair like mine. He looked up it was Levi I could tell once I saw his icy blue eyes. He was my dance partner at dance camp. He handed me a rose.
"I came this afternoon they told me you were out at the moment so they invited me to go clubbing with you guys tonight"
He said. I smiled and pulled him in for a hug. I did the best I could to reach his neck he was tall like a dance partner should be for higher lifts.
"Well let's go in"
I said. All the boys cheered and we all ran in. I was super excited to go clubbing actually I still had my ballroom heels on so I could dance perfectly. I also had my leotard dress on I wore it to bract ice with Kim so I didn't have to change for me and Johnny's dinner. Levi looked at me. We were all still in front of the boys and they had to watch our every move for some odd reason.
"You know you left before I could tell you some things you didn't even say good bye but I had a whole year a whole year with you a whole year to fall in love with you"
I was shocked at his words. Then the first song we ever danced to together turned on the song we learned the mambo to. Once he let the song sink in he looked at me.
"May I have this dance?"
He asked. I laughed.
"Of course"
I said handing the rose to soda to hold. Me and him positioned our arms before he pulled me into the song. I got up on my toes swaying my hips and letting the moves sink in with each other. They boys seemed to be immersed in what I have accomplished. My feet found my way with the moves that was how I explained it. Johnny had started dancing with Kim. Levi laughed.
"Ready I will grab Kim you grab Johnny"
He whispered in my ear. I giggled but counted off for the turn that will send us departing our ways. I spun out and grabbed Johnny's hands at the exact time Levi grabbed Kim's waist. They both laughed and I pulled Johnny into step as Levi did the same with Kim. Kim was kinda experienced but Johnny was not.
"Ready this is the first lesson your gonna get so pay attention"
I said. He laugh.
"Don't worry I'm ready"
He mocked. I laughed.
"Follow my movements dance on your toes and always on you left foot never right"
He nodded and I pulled him toward me doing the same step I did with Kim then I pulled him left back right then toward me again. He laughed at how bad he did the first time.
I said. He finally understood and he pulled me into step himself. "
Ready did you see the twist Levi did with me move your hands to my hips help me twist down the. Up trow me back grab my hand and spin me simple if you just break it down."
I said to him and he nodded he did it perfectly.
I said. I looked over to see where Levi and Kim went. I was confused they weren't there. He must of took her into a moving dance step. I looked over to Soda.
"Where did they go?"
I yelled at him over the music. He just shrugged his shoulders. Johnny looked at me.
"Where did they go?"
He asked.
"I know Kim by now probably asked him for a lesson on ballroom dancing it's kinda hard for me to do the guy part since I now the girl one so well"
I said. He laughed.
"She has the moves now she just needs the right partner"
I laughed myself now.
"And I think when we start tomorrow you won't be that bad from tonight"
I said.
He said back guiding me to the table where the boys.
"Did you find out where they went?"
Dally asked.
"She probably wanted him to teach her more about dancing"
I answered. He nodded.
"Now I think it is my turn for a dance"
He said with a smirk. I looked at him taking in this joke he was about to play. I grabbed his jacket.
"Keep up!"
I yelled. The tango was now on and I was going to do it as fast as I could. I knew he had some experience dancing from the all kinds of girls he has dated. He had the arm positions right and the steps right the question was could he keep up with me. I pushed him back twisting on my toes just like the real tango should be. He started to push me back as I still was on my toes and moving my hips. He turned me out on the right Que. and I know he was determined to win but he wouldn't. I did the kick I learned at dance camp kicking it up. He actually caught it like he should. He set it on his shoulder the right way and ran his hand down my leg as he pulled back pulling me in a split. Once he pulled my up right again from reaching my waist I kicked it off properly then did the kicks around his legs wrapping each one around his pulling him into my step. It waisted around and I then decided it was time for the jump if I wanted to reach this war. He was t prepared and didn't catch me under my leg like he should have holding me I to baby Cupid position. I laughed once he missed and I spun him around pulling him back. He looked shocked. I strut past him.
"Looks like I have won"
I stated as I shuffled past him swiftly and properly. I sat back down at the table. Levi and Kim were still missing. Soon we got tired of dancing and Kim and Levi were still gone. Johnny looked at me worried.
"Don't worry I called the school I was right he took her there for a lesson they will be back later"
I said. It was tried I called once I started to get worried. They had to be back soon.

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