8. Sure Thing, Officer

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"Who could that be, it's 7am?" Ethan mumbled as he stood up from the bed. Ethan left the bedroom and I quickly followed him down the stairs and hovered by the corner. The door banged again, whoever was standing outside it was obviously becoming impatient.

"Alright, alright. I'm coming!" Ethan grumbled, annoyed. "Blue, you stay here." He gave me a look and headed towards the door. My heart began to pound. With every ounce in my body, I wanted to stop Ethan from opening that door, because something inside me told me that whoever was banging on that door did not have good intentions.

Ethan opened the door, and I sunk further behind the corner, back into the hallway. I was preparing to escape through the kitchen window if need be.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" Ethan asked as he greeted the stranger outside.

"I apologise for bothering you so early," A deep, distinctive, voice spoke with authority. My world came crashing to a half. That voice...It can't be...

In the space of a heartbeat, the reality of my old life came rushing back at full speed, slamming into my mind like a storm of pain and terror. Practically debilitated from the shock of the voice, my knees nearly buckled beneath me. I sagged against the wall, breathing heavily. I have to get out of here.

But I didn't move. At first, I couldn't understand why I felt obliged to stay and see what happens. Then, I realised I was feeling something foreign to me; I was caring for something besides myself. Now that I was aware of that, I couldn't just abandon Ethan. Not after all that he had done for me.

"I'm from the New Jersey County Police Department, we have reason to believe a wanted suspect has been seen in his area, possibly hiding in people's basements. We need to know if you have seen anyone out of the ordinary in the past two days." He was lying! He was actually lying to Ethan about me?

Ethan was quiet for a moment, I feared that he actually believed him. Would Ethan really band me over? "What does his person look like?" Was all Ethan asked in return.

I was astounded to hear the skepticism laced in Ethan's voice. I wanted more than anything to see Ethan's face, but I knew risking a peek around the corner would result in horrific consequences, especially if he saw me.

"The suspect is an seventeen year old female, about 5'3 in height and blonde hair. We don't want people to panic, but it is important to know she is capable of being dangerous. We just want the neighbourhood aware of her, so we can catch her." I heard him say.

"I don't think I've seen her around, sorry." Ethan sounded unbelievably convincing.

"We appreciate any help we can get, sir." My old experimentalist said, I was shocked he even called Ethan 'sir'. He always acted as if he was above the rest, he was a grim and merciless man.

"Sure thing, officer." Ethan chirped, "I'll let you know if I see anything."

Thanks and goodbyes were said and then Ethan closed the door. That was it. He was gone? I slid down the wall and hung my head low. The wave of relief that washed through my was almost too much to bare, my hands were trembling.

I felt a presence sit down next to me, causing me to swallow. I knew it was Ethan. With my eyes glued to my hands, I said, "I am not who that man says I am." I looked up, my eyes meeting with Ethan's. "Do you—" I started, but had to clear my throat as it was about to crack. "Do you believe me, Ethan?"

The corners of Ethan's lips curved up slightly. "I believe you, Blue." He said softly. As the words left his lips, for the second time today I felt relief wash over me. "Especially, since when I found you, you were running from someone, who I could only presume was that man, covered in bruises and cuts and terrified out of your mind. I don't think you're capable of doing something so dangerous."

"You don't know me, Ethan." I looked away from him. "You have no idea what I'm capable of."

"Then tell me." He said, his tone soft and gentle.

"I-I can't. I'm scared." I finally broke, tears steaming down my face as sobs erupted my body.

"Shh," Ethan cooed, pulling me into his chest. "You don't have to tell me now, Blue. You can tell me when you're ready."

Will I ever be ready, though?

Third Person POV

General Benson strode into the lab and approached Dr Black, who was bust running samples from the struggling test subject who was strapped against his will to the bed.

Without looking up, Dr Black sighed and said, "I told you, there is no doubt about it. She is either in that house, or underneath it. I checked her tracker, it hasn't moved since last night." He was busy pouring various liquids into test tubes.

"I met the owner of the house about an hour ago. Young guy, about eighteen I'd say. He said he hadn't seen anything." General Benson replied.

"So what are you going to do?" Dr Black looked up from the test tubes.

Benson blew out a sigh. "I can't do much until I figure out whether or not that girl is in the house. If the owner really doesn't know Blue is hiding somewhere in there, like the attic or something, we can't raise his suspicions by searching the house with tranquil rifles, now can we? We need to keep this as underground as possible."

"That's going to make it a lot harder." Dr Black commented.

"You think?" General Benson snapped. "I'll send someone to watch the house until dark. If we find out she's in there, we make our next move."

"So, what is exactly is this your doing, Sir?" Dr Black asked.

"You could call it a stakeout, of some sort." General Benson grinned evilly.

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