My First Diary

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I see her in the wisps of mist that leave a bittersweet taste on my tongue, which leave me imagining a life together with her, in a home where it is nothing but passion and euphoria laced into the material coating the cushions.

My demeanour might paint a picture of disquietude in her eyes, but I know that whatever I'll be doing, I'll be doing it our best interests.

She may not understand me; I may not understand her - for I am a prisoner to her gaze; to her stare. I get lost in my little wonderland whenever I see her emerald eyes. They rip out the reason in my mind and replace it with lust.

The lyrics from 'Angel' by The Weeknd come to mind when I stare at her. 'But I know time will tell that we're meant for this... and if we're not, I hope you find somebody to love.' As I recited those lines quietly under my breath, I felt a nostalgic warmth; I was a teenager again. 

Why did those lines come to mind when I stared at her? Because... we're not together. Never have been, never will be. Often, lost in thought, I just... picture our togetherness. Yet she is so far away. From my heart, from my home; but she is ever-present in my mind. I'll always love her, but I can never have her. The pearl belongs in the rosy pink clam, not in the midnight-black one.

I hope she finds somebody to love, better than me.

She deserves a better home than my mind.


Hey guys! I hope this little diary entry begins my story well into the dark mind of Franklin. 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2019 ⏰

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