Chapter 1

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-A normal day in the brothers'  household-

Sabo woke up at 6:30 and headed downstairs to make breakfast. He fired eggs, bacon and pulled out some bagels.

Thump thump thump

Ace ran down the stairs "aw sh-"

Sabo shot him a look.

"shizz biscuit" he corrected.

"Late for university?"

"Yeah, but breakfast first," He said tying his shoes. "Yo Luffy! Wake up or ya gonna miss school!"


He ran down the stairs. "Da-"

Ace and sabo watched him.


Everyone ate. Ace jetted. Sabo took a shower and by the time he was done, Luffy was almost ready for school. Sabo worked in Baltigo which was south of where they lived in Windmill village also called Foosha city by the old timers. 

Luffy and Sabo walked to the subway and Luffy met up with his friends Zoro and Nami.

Sabo took the train to Baltigo.

Luffy and Zoro ran for a random train. 

"Stop!" Nami yelled. "You idiots! That's the wrong train!" 

She dragged them by their collars to the correct train and then preceded to chide them.

They then met up with Usopp, Sanji and Tony Tony Chopper when they got to school. Trafalgar was there too but he doesn't talk much.

The first class was math. Luffy was failing but the teacher was nice.

Ms. Nico was pretty chill. She also taught history and everyone knew that was he favorite class. Mr. Flam was the art teacher and...

Yeah, so math was Luffy's first class. He sat next to Zoro and Sanji who often fought but Ms. Nico didn't care. 

Brook was the teacher of all musical fine arts and drama. Luffy had drama 2nd.

Then he had English with Mr. Jimbei who also taught science, which he had after that. Then art and then more that he could never remember off the top of his head.

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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