Halloween! Halloween! [Halloween Special]

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Our group once of four and now of seven, all dressed up for some wild shenanigans. One a vampire, one a doll. One a magical prince, and one not a monster, but a scientist. A mad one at that, how fitting.

How fitting.

Their new friends were dressed up as well, it seemed.

The snake became himself a dragon, the one in glasses, Cupid. The one with sunglasses became what looked to be a god, a god with lovely gold all around him and in him. As if he was going to blow and cover you in sand to send you to your dreams.

They sat around and talked and chatted, hoping they might be able to get out and hang out someplace, though that was doubtful, even with Logan's good reputation with the secretaries.

Somewhere so close yet so far apart from them,
Sits a figure.
He seems alone.
He's in the dark.
Eyes are closed,
Until suddenly...
A bright, green glow fills the area.
His eyes are a green of the same shade. And they are manic.
If at any point this boy was sane, it was clear he wasn't any longer.

In the light that he had given, a source of horribly strong power radiated. Not only that, but his figure was visible.

Wrapped in a straight jacket, looking into Remy's eyes and smiling widely.

He had a grey streak in his hair.
He looked like Roman.
But he was pale, pale as the moon sitting in the sky alone at night.

"You aren't supposed to be here yet, see me yet," he said, supposedly to Remy. "Though, I suppose your family never has been one to follow the rules, as they've told me, as I've heard." He laughed hysterically.

"Chop chop, Remy," the boy said after a moment. "Wake up and enjoy some peaceful time with your friends. It isn't going to last much longer."

And with that, the sunglasses adorned boy opened his eyes, his eyes shining a bright, furious gold.

"Remy, dear? What's the matter?" Remy glanced over to see Emile, his eyes glowing a faint pink, radiating concern.

"Well, babe, they've just given me a vision. And it appears that he knows I was there."

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