Chapter 5: Big Shake Up

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As the next day has come, Alex came over to Abby and Max. Max asked, "Did you just told me yesterday that you were mentioning to me about Alex?" Abby said, "Yes and he's my -" Alex said, "Boyfriend." Abby said, "Oh God." Max said, "You're not dating her at all and don't ever say that you are." Alex said, "Okay fine but Abby, I made you a copy for the work." Alex gave the paper to Abby and Abby grabs it. Abby said, "Thanks." Alex said, "You're welcome." Alex walks away and Max asked, "Whatever did he get that some sort of weird attitude?" Abby said, "I don't know." Abby looks at the writing and said, "Sweetie, look at this writing." Max looks at the writing and he grabs the letter as he was comparing to the letter and the paper. Max said, "The writing looks match up for this letter and we got to show this to my dad." Abby said, "Let's go." Max and Abby got up as they walk upstairs. Max and Abby walks in to Professor Nichols class for this big emergency. Max said, "Dad, we need your help." Professor Nichols asked, "What's wrong?" Abby said, "Look at this writing that is on the paper and the letter." Professor Nichols came over to them and he saw the writing already match up. Professor Nichols asked, "Who wrote the letter and the paper for your AP English class?" Abby said, "There's only one person who I think that could be acting very strange." Max asked, "Could it be Alex?" Professor Nichols said, "I think it is because he was in my class by acting crazy yesterday and kept saying your name over and over." Abby asked, "Wait, what?" Max said, "He can't make a fool out of us." Abby said, "Our relationship status is completely lock because we are in a relationship." Max said, "Exactly and I think someone like Alex is going to get so busted like in a minute." Abby said, "I don't want to lose you and I love you." Max said, "I love you too baby bug." Professor Nichols said, "Alex is that kind of unstable guy to be hurting everyone that he can possibly get a hold of and be careful when you guys are around him." Alex asked, "Why should they?" They look at Alex and Abby asked, "What are you doing here?" Alex said, "You would ever happen to find out the whole truth about the letter and the writing." Max said, "I wish you were back to New Jersey and stop messing with us." Alex asked, "What is your problem?" Max said, "You weren't that kind of guy to be hanging out with Abby." Alex said, "That's how you would say that because it was just the beginning and I was giving you a favor." Max asked, "Do I ever want anything in you for doing this to Abby?" Abby said, "Alex, you are a sweet guy but I can't go with you and I want to stay here." Alex said, "Oh please Abby, you promise me that you will go with me and lived happily ever after with me." Abby said, "That was a long time ago and this is college now." Alex said, "You promise me and I was going to give you something that you like." Abby said, "I don't want anything in you and you already have a girlfriend." Alex said, "Stacy and I already broke up like four years ago. I wanted to get close to you and you are the one who can healed the pain in my heart with love." Max said, "She told you no and quit messing with Abby." Alex said, "You ask for it and you haven't seen the kind of guy to be with Abby." Abby said, "Oh no, not changing into a bad guy again and please don't do this." Alex said, "You don't understand, Abby and Max isn't the greatest boyfriend to you." Max said, "Shut up." Professor Nichols said, "Alex, you are going to get in trouble." Alex said, "The one thing that you will see is a goodbye for good." Max said, "No one isn't going to shoot anyone right now because we are asking you a questioned about this writing of yours and tell us the damn truth." Alex said, "Yes I did do all of this and you will not call the police on me." Professor Nichols said, "Alright but -" Alex said, "I said no calling the police or else I will stabbed you." Abby said, "Just don't do anything, Professor Nichols." Professor Nichols said, "Alright." Max said, "You need to think about this before you do anything to go crazy." Alex said, "I wanted to make everyone to get too scared about what I do and I never want no one to have my Abby with other guys. Abby is my first girlfriend not Stacy and Mia." Abby asked, "What happened to Stacy?" Alex said, "Sweetheart, she's not here with us today and you don't need the details." Max said, "You are so getting in trouble and I hope you know about what you did." Alex asked, "How would I want other girls that aren't prettier than my Abby?" Abby said, "Alex, I want you to calm down and let me help you." Alex said, "You promise me that you would when I was going to the nurse's office and I didn't want you to stay in the classroom." Abby said, "I wasn't in the class at the time and I was at the doctor's appointment that time so I probably missed it." Alex said, "Oh." Abby said, "Yeah and that's why Macy told me what was going on after you was put at the -" Alex said, "Don't say it, please. It makes me losing control and I can't miss you anymore." Abby said, "I'm done trying to help you." Alex said, "I'm sorry Abby but I guess the rumors are true and I'm the bad guy." Max said, "Yeah right and you're even worse for being a bad guy." Alex said, "At least that you wanted to break up with Claire for Abby and you are even worse." Max asked, "What is your problem to know about my life here?" Alex said, "I don't even wanted to lose my Abby and she's all mine that you took her away from me." Abby said, "I don't want you anymore." Alex asked, "Why baby?" Abby said, "I'm not your baby anymore and you are a crazy guy now. I'm going to the bathroom and I don't think we're not even partners anymore." Abby walks out and Alex is so mad. Professor Nichols said, "You can't have Abby anymore and you need to leave her for good." Alex said, "I don't care and there's a game coming up in the gym." Max said, "I'll be there and you will see that I'm going to teach you a lesson." Alex said, "Yeah whatever." Alex walks out and Abby comes out of the bathroom. Alex said, "Come to the game and we can be on the same team." Abby said, "We're not on the same team and I want you to go to hell." Abby walks away and Alex is completely angry at Abby that she's not on Alex's team. As everyone went to the gym, Max and Abby are on the same team. Max said, "You are my best Abby bug that I ever dated." Abby said, "You wanted me to be your wife if we planned on moving out of here." Max said, "Ooh sexy. I like this idea and I couldn't be more crazier over you." Abby said, "You can lend me your tie and tied you up." Max said, "Bad girl." Abby said, "I can be more wild for you and we can drop out of college together for our baby." Max grabs both of Abby's hands and holds on to them. Max said, "Baby bug, I would do anything to have kids in the world with you and we won't let go of each other." Abby said, "If we couldn't work out for the baby then we can adopt a baby." Max said, "At least that we'll still be a family and I never want to leave you." Abby said, "I'm glad that you wouldn't." Max kissed Abby's cheek and Alex saw them together as he was angry. Max pulls away and Coach Jones said, "Alright Team Blue and Team Red, let's go." Max let go of Abby and he walks over to the rest of the blue team. Alex walks over to his red team and Coach Jones said, "Get ready for the hockey game so let the game begin." Coach Jones blows the whistle as he backs up and Alex punch Max in the left eye. Max asked, "What the hell is wrong with you?" Max push Alex away and Alex starts to fight with Max. Alex said, "Come on, you idiot and you think that you are tougher than me." Abby came over with Peggy Lynn, Ashley, and Nicole to stop the fight. Abby said, "Alex, please stop hurting Max." Peggy Lynn said, "Yeah Alex." Ashley said, "You ruin the game." Nicole said, "Look what you did." Alex said, "Oh really because this jerk started it." Max said, "You did this first." Seth came over to Alex and he pulls Alex away. Seth said, "Break it up." Alex said, "You can't fight at all." Max said, "Shut up, you jerk." Coach Jones blows the whistle and Principal Corduroy came over to them. Principal Corduroy said, "The seven of you, come to my office and game over everyone." Abby helps Max up and Max got up. The gang went to the office and Principal Corduroy asked, "Who started the fight?" Max got a ice pack for his left eye and said, "Well obviously Alex." Alex said, "You are crazy idiot guy to steal my Abby." Peggy Lynn said, "Abby is not dating you." Ashley asked, "Why are you doing this?" Alex said, "I love Abby more than anything else in this world." Principal Corduroy said, "That's enough. Alex, tell me what happened at the game." Alex said, "Oh give me a break, Mr. Corduroy and it was an accidental punch on Max's left eye." Max said, "You think that was an accident and you practically punch me in my left eye. You can ask Abby and she can tell you that this was on purpose for what you did to me from the fight." Mr. Corduroy asked, "Did Alex punch Max in the left eye an accident or on purpose?" Abby said, "It was on purpose." Seth said, "Alex, Coach Jones won't be able to have you back in our team for baseball." Alex said, "I'm sorry." Max said, "If you were sorry then maybe that you didn't have to punch me in the left eye and start fighting with me like you're being a tough guy in the school." Seth said, "You really don't have a right to hurt Max like that and the game got ruined because of you. I don't even know what we will do without in our team and we'll have to replace you with someone else." Alex said, "I don't want to lose this opportunity for wanting to be on the team and get my scholarship." Mr. Corduroy said, "I'm sorry Alex, you're going have to listen what Seth said and you can't be on the team and get your scholarship now." Alex said, "That's not fair and I wanted to be the best baseball player in this college. It's all because of everything that I get to be blame and I don't see how everything has to be me." Ashley said, "You just want revenge, Alex and everyone knew about this and it got passed around here." Alex asked, "How did it got passed around?" Peggy Lynn said, "That's because everyone were talking about you and that's why." Seth said, "Now that you are going to be replace with someone else for the baseball team." Alex said, "I don't want to be replace." Mr. Corduroy said, "I'm sorry Alex and there's nothing that I can do about this. You have to face it and that's how everything works for this college." Alex said, "I want to make this up to my team." Seth said, "You can't because you don't know how and I know how everything works with Coach Jones. You can't do anything about it and I guess you have to get your stuff out of the boys locker room starting today." Alex said, "This is all your fault, Max and I hope you're happy about this." Max said, "I don't care what you think but none of this isn't my fault at all and it's best for you to stop with everything that you're doing." Nicole said, "Come on guys." Principal Corduroy said, "You better get another ice pack at the nurse's office, Max and Alex, you are getting four weeks suspension." Max made a small smile and the gang got up. They all walk out the door and Alex grabbed Abby's hand. Alex said, "I'm so sorry for the way how I was acting and please let me make this up to you." Abby said, "Not even because you ruined the game, punch my boyfriend in the left eye, and now suspended for four weeks." Alex said, "You just want to listen to Max and the others." Abby said, "You can't have me and I wish that I have never met you again." Abby yank her hand and she tries to walk away. Alex walks in front of Abby and he shut the door. Abby said, "Let me go." Alex turns around and said, "No. You wanted me and I won't let you out." Abby said, "I can't be with you and I love Max." Alex said, "No. You are mine to begin with and please just let me have you." Abby said, "No." Alex said, "Just let me have you." Abby said, "No." Abby starts backing up and Alex starts walking towards Abby. Alex grabs Abby and he starts kissing Abby. Abby couldn't let go and Alex put a lot of passionate. Abby pulls away and asked, "What did you do that for?" Alex said, "I love you, Abby." Abby said, "I love you too, Alex." Alex said, "Abby, you are all mine and you will not lose me." Abby said, "You should -" Alex said, "I'm not letting you go and Drew always letting you obey him like a dog. I don't know what Max does and I care about you more than anything." Abby said, "I know you do but I have to go." Alex said, "No you don't and I don't want you around Max." Abby said, "I don't care what you say and you can't make me." Alex said, "You couldn't get more love with me and I wanted to have a family with you." Abby asked, "Why didn't you tell me before?" Alex said, "I was going to tell you before all of this became bizarre." Abby said, "I have to go and I can't be late for my appointment." Alex said, "Sure and I'll let you go." Abby said, "Thank you so much." Abby walks over to the door and opens the door. She walks away and went to go find Max. Max is waiting for Abby and Abby came over to Max. Max asked, "Where were you?" Abby said, "Alex kiss me in Mr. Corduroy's office." Max said, "That stupid idiot thinks he can get with you by hurting me and I'm with you." Abby said, "I know baby and I don't even want to start a family with Alex." Max said, "He would just use you and that's all he ever does." Abby said, "I love you baby." Max said, "I love you too baby." Max removes the ice pack and he kiss Abby so much. Abby couldn't let go of Max and Max puts a whole lot of passionate. Max pulls away and said, "That's my best kiss that I ever wanted." Abby said, "I can have one best kiss from you and keep it forever." Max said, "You remember it and that brings us back so many memories like we were kids. I gave you my first kiss to you and you didn't have dark chocolate brown hair back then." Abby said, "I can't believe that was in our second grade year and we always wanted to be boyfriend and girlfriend." Max said, "I know right and we are meant to be together. My parents and your parents are wanting us to be together." Abby said, "We're lucky to be together and I guess having a baby isn't a bad idea." Max said, "I really want this with you and the scar is doing some healing going on. We'll still have a family and I was saving baby toys for our family of our own." Abby said, "I never thought that this is happening so fast." Max said, "I never thought this is our life together and having kids that we are ready for. We're ready to start a family after your scar is done healing." Abby said, "I could just get more wild to look at you and never let go of you." Max said, "I know and I was waiting for you for wanting to have children." Abby said, "Well at least I didn't get pregnant while I have an undergo surgery." Max said, "Yeah and it will hurt us both." Abby said, "Yeah and that's why I didn't want to get pregnant." Max said, "Yeah and now we can have some kids that I'm ready for." Abby said, "You're such a sweetie pie." Max said, "You're such a honey pie." Abby said, "I was keeping every single pictures of you in my bedroom." Max said, "You're a psycho and I can get you pregnant if I'm willing to take you to my house." Abby said, "You are too hyper for me to marry you." Max said, "That's why I wanted you and I can't help it by looking at you every year." Abby said, "You're the only one that never let go of me." Max said, "I always kept my promise to you." Abby said, "That's why I wanted to marry you and lived happily ever after." Max said, "I'm really glad that you are going to be my wife pretty soon and I won't lose you forever." Abby said, "I never thought that we are going to be parents once this scar heals and I just want a baby." Max said, "Me too baby girl." Alex came out of the principal's office and went to go find Abby. Abby and Max went downstairs to get some coffee. Alex came too late and Abby and Max are the cafe. Max said, "I can't imagine that you had that horrible experience with Drew." Abby said, "I wish Drew would learn to be nice to me and stop being so mean." Max asked, "Do you think Drew's mother was hurt from his dad?" Abby said, "If that proves it then I think he get it from his dad to hurt me like his dad hurt his mother like that." Cindy said, "That's very true and I heard a lot about that. His dad is an alcoholic and drug addict so none of this wasn't your fault." Max asked, "How come that Drew didn't want to tell you about this?" Abby said, "Maybe he was scare, sad, and angry." Max said, "That maybe why he felt the connection with his father and I guess you didn't know about this and neither did I." Abby said, "I guess we should tell him the truth and I hate to make him upset but it's the only option." Max asked, "What if he's too busy with Claire?" Abby said, "Then I guess we can't." Max said, "Yeah that's true." Abby said, "I would be just stay free with you and no one can't ever learn for being detectives right." Max said, "Yeah and being detectives was pretty awesome though. We only know the answers so far but what's the whole meaning to this." Abby said, "I have no idea and this is why we are going to investigate more about this with Alex." Max said, "That's why he doesn't get any girls that he wants." Cindy asked, "What's the big shake up about?" Abby said, "Alex." Cindy said, "That crazy psychopathic guy went the mental hospital and now he's out again for murdering other girls that doesn't look anything like you." Abby asked, "Are you serious?" Max asked, "How do we alert this?" Cindy said, "You can't do anything about this and I know that it may sound too risky for Alex to know about this." Abby said, "You're right but we will have to work something else out and maybe we can find a way to calm him down." Max said, "He does love Caramel flavored coffee and not too much but just right." Abby asked, "Did you just read his Instagram page?" Max said, "Well yeah and he loves it when you are around him." Abby said, "I'll calm him down for being nice to you in a calm feeling without being rude." Max said, "At least you know how to calm him down for the situation." Abby said, "That's true and I will try to get him some help." Cindy said, "I guess you can give it a try and not even a lot of us can try. He was fine for meeting other people but I don't see how he can be with the former girlfriend like you to make him calm down." Abby said, "I'm not really sure at all" Max said, "I guess we can give it a try." Abby said, "I'm sure we can try and at least we can do this." Cindy said, "I know you can." Alex is going to the boys locker room and he was cleaning out of his locker for trouble that he caused at the game. Now that Coach Jones is getting a new replacement for the team and Seth isn't going to speak to Alex from the fight at the game in the gym. Ashley, Nicole, and Peggy Lynn came over to them. Ashley said, "We are so going to be having a dance pretty soon." Max said, "I can't wait to see my lovely girlfriend at the dance." Abby said, "Oh sweetie." Nicole said, "You guys are so cute together." Peggy Lynn said, "Like you guys been since in your second grade year as everyone remembers." Max said, "She's perfect for me and nobody else can have her." Abby said, "You're so sweet, baby and I hope we can have more fun while I got this scar healing." Nicole said, "I heard that you had to go for undergo surgery." Abby said, "Yeah and it was so ridiculous for me to knocked unconscious." Peggy Lynn said, "No way and that's totally bad for you to go through this." Ashley said, "That's when I had my back surgery to have a new height to look taller." Max said, "That's completely crazy." Abby said, "I didn't know about this." Peggy Lynn said, "Yeah and that's kind of weird." Meanwhile at Home and Decor, Katherine is finding a way to solve the idea to get the idea with the letter and Laurie asked, "How are we going to figure out with this mystery letter?" Katherine said, "I could have Abby tell me who did this." Laurie asked, "What will Professor Nichols say about this?" Katherine said, "He probably already have the answer by now and it's making me to think that Abby and Max are in danger with Professor Nichols." Laurie said, "We may have to turn in to the police and they will help us to save Max, Abby, and Professor Nichols." Katherine said, "We have to do something and Abby could get hurt by someone for this case." John came in to Home and Decor and said, "Hello ladies." Katherine said, "Hi honey." John kiss Katherine and pulls away. Laurie said, "Hi John." John said, "Professor Nichols send me an email that he found out who did this and writing was already match up." Laurie asked, "Who was it?" John said, "Alex Kendall." Katherine said, "That's Abby's ex boyfriend back in her second grade year who went to the mental hospital and now he's out in his freshman college." Laurie said, "This is so bad and now everyone at the college is in danger because of Alex." John said, "Alex is suspended for four weeks and he's off the baseball team so no scholarship for him after he punch Max's left eye then start a fight." Katherine said, "Oh my God." Laurie said, "We have to rescue them and this is going to be a huge emergency." John said, "I think Max and Abby will figure this out on their own. Professor Nichols is that kind of guy to call the police and he told me that he couldn't call the police because of Alex's orders." Katherine said, "I would see if anyone wants to help us out to rescue." Bethany walks in and said, "Hey guys." Laurie said, "Hello Bethany." Katherine said, "Bethany, you have any clue about your son and our daughter in danger at Berkeley College." Bethany said, "That's why I came here to tell you that and my husband is also in danger too." Laurie said, "I guess we're on the same page here." John asked, "What are we going to do with this case?" Bethany said, "Just call the police and we can still save them." Laurie said, "They still need more evidence than that." Katherine said, "Laurie, all of the evidence matches up with this situation and Alex is that kind of unstable guy to hurt anyone at the college." Laurie said, "Oh yeah it does." Bethany said, "We better tell them that we are coming to rescue them." John said, "Max is protecting Abby and everyone else." Bethany said, "I guess that's why Max and Abby are happy to stay together forever." Laurie said, "Yeah and they just got started from their relationship. They are happy to stay together and I think Max wants to marry Abby so bad." John said, "Max is the kind of guy to be in a relationship like Abby and be there for her and the kids." Bethany said, "Yeah and he loves being a husband and father that he dreams about a lot. He told me and his dad that wants to marry Abby and lived happily ever after." Laurie said, "Aww." John said, "I think Max is our son-in-law in the future and Abby is your future daughter-in-law." Bethany said, "I love Abby so much and she was a sweet little girl like I remembered in her Kindergarten days with my son." Katherine said, "They've been best friends for a very long time and maybe Max should stay with Abby forever." John said, "I believe they should." Laurie said, "They just can't let go of each other no matter what." Bethany said, "They do belong together and Abby is happy to be with Max." Katherine said, "Now I think we should phone the police and we can't have the kids to be in danger." Bethany said, "Good idea and Greg has to find a safe place to hide from Alex." John said, "I'm sure he will and this is will not happen again." Katherine starts phoning the police and meanwhile at Berkeley College, Alex is done cleaning his locker. Alex starts exiting out of the boys locker room and he starts trying to get the trouble begin. Abby said, "I heard so many dinner parties for other colleges and we don't even get one." Ashley said, "I heard about that too and I was so mad that we couldn't have one." Max asked, "What else are we going to do?" Nicole said, "I don't know but maybe we could have a dinner party." Peggy Lynn said, "I don't think that might work because Mr. Corduroy said that we couldn't but maybe we can ask him." Cindy said, "That would be a great idea and I think there should be friends or couples dinner party." Max said, "I guess we'll be together for that and it will be our date together." Abby said, "Like we did when I was at the hospital." Nicole said, "Aww." Cindy said, "Aww." Peggy Lynn said, "Aww." Ashley said, "Aww." Abby said, "I guess you know that we are meant to be together." Max said, "Like the one that I've kept telling my parents that I wanted to marry you and have kids with you." Abby said, "You're so sweet." Cindy said, "I think we'll stay close to be away from Alex and we have to find a safe place to hide." Max asked, "Where are we supposed to hide at?" Abby said, "The library is the only option but you have to go to the very back to the door and go inside the empty room." Ashley asked, "How did you know?" Abby said, "I've been there before when there's was a lock down drill." Peggy Lynn said, "You're so smart and at least you know how to think." Max said, "That's my girl." Cindy said, "Good idea and we'll all go in there with you." Alex is going to the study hall that no one isn't using the classroom right now and he's getting the things started. Mr. Corduroy saw Alex by refusing to leave out of the school and he ran to his office to start the lock down drill. Mr. Corduroy said, "Everyone, we're going to the lock down drill and please go find the safest classroom or somewhere as possible. Do not go out whatever you do and please stay safe. Make sure to turn off the lights and lock the door as possible." Abby said, "C'mon guys, let's hit the hay." Everybody are finding the safest place to hide and the gang are following Abby to the library. They all went in to the library and Mrs. Salem said, "You know where we can go." Abby said, "C'mon guys, follow me to the very back." Max said, "Let's go." They follow Abby to the back and Abby opens the door. Mrs. Salem said, "Alright everyone, get in there now." They all got in and they all down against the wall. Mrs. Salem went to shut the lights from the library as she locks the door from the library. Vanessa asked, "Why does this has to be a thing?" Ashley said, "For safety like elementary school." Mrs. Salem came in and she shuts the door behind her. Mrs. Salem said, "Now guys, be quiet and no talking for this lock down drill." The police cars are coming to Berkeley College and Alex is now starting the fire at the study for revenge. The police got out of their cars as they ran in to the school and firetrucks came to the rescue. Katherine, John, Bethany, and Laurie came along to find Abby, Max, and Professor Nichols. Alex ran out of the study hall and he went to go find Abby. The police saw Alex running and they went to go chase Alex down. The firefighters came in to put out the fire and Katherine said, "We need to go find them." Laurie asked, "Which way did they go?" John said, "Maybe the library." Bethany saw Professor Nichols and Professor Nichols said, "Beth, we need to find our students." Laurie said, "Come on guys, to the library and we have to save them." Bethany said, "Let's go." They all ran to the library and more firefighter came to the rescue to have everyone else out of the building. Katherine asked, "Where are they?" John said, "I don't know." 

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