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Welcome lovely Wattpad-ers,

While V and I were exploring the Isles, the post-apocalyptic Britain where The Exile is set, we encountered many fascinating things. From tyrants and monsters to smugglers and housewives, all with stories that I jotted down in my ever present notebook. When I get the opportunity I'm going to write their tales of survival and wit (and maybe even a little romance) up in this accompanying collection of short stories.

Of course, this is dependant on V managing to keep herself out of trouble long enough for me to leave her alone for 5 minutes. As she would say, "The risks are high, but so's the payoff." Which I think means she's willing to take her chances. She always is braver than me. 

As ever, comments, feedback and votes appreciated, but first and foremost, I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I will enjoy writing them! And if you are new to the Isles, please go and check out The Exile and V's adventures there. You can read these stories as a stand-alone, but V could always use more friends.



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