Chapter Ten

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Charlie strode away from Sam toward a long wooden table at the far corner of the room, and Dean got his first real glimpse of his brother. Long slashing wounds, covered Sam's chest and stomach, charred and blackened from the hot poker. The odd sweet smell of burnt flesh filled the musty air, Dean nearly gagging on it.

Dean fought the tears threatening to overwhelm him as he stared at his broken brother. Oh God, Sammy, those are never gonna go away. How the hell am I supposed to fix this?

Blood from Sam's hand dripped soundlessly to the ground. Sam's shaggy hair partially covered his swollen right eye, tinges of deep purple forming around the outer edges of his eyelid. I swear, Sammy, I'll make him suffer for everything he did to you.

The sound of rusty wheels squeaking across the cement floor, drew Dean's attention to the madman, who had mercilessly tortured his brother. Charlie stopped the cart heavily laden with cruel looking instruments in front of Sam.

"Ready to see me tear your brother apart, Dean, cause I gotta tell ya, I'm just dying to begin."

Dean glared at the man from his prone position on the ground. I'm so sorry, Sam . . . so sorry I didn't protect you from this. "I'm gonna kill you, you know that don't you? Gonna make you suffer for every once of pain you inflicted on my brother."

"I think I'd be shaking more if you weren't all tied up . . . but of course you are, so I'm not all that worried." Charlie laughed.

Charlie stalked toward Dean, grabbed him by the arm with one hand and the toppled chair with the other, yanking hard, and pulling Dean back into an upright position. Dean felt the ropes around his right wrist and ankle slacken slightly, with the sudden jerking movement.

"There, that's much better, wouldn't want you to miss anything." Charlie turned and headed back to Sam.

Dean pressed down against the wooden chair and dragged his arm backward, and felt the tight binds loosen a little bit more. Hold on, Sammy . . . it's not a lot, but at least it's a start. I swear to God, if it's the last thing I do, I'm gonna break free and save you.

Hearing a soft moan, Dean glanced up and saw his brother was waking. Sam's normally bright hazel eyes were glazed with pain as he looked at Dean. There was an unspoken plea for help in them, and it nearly broke Dean's heart. I'm tryin', Sammy — you just got to hold on. Please just hold for me.

Charlie held up a metal object that looked almost like a collar with a thick metal plate in front, and an oblong shaped box, sticking out of the back."You know what this is, Dean?"

Dean remained silent, glaring at the crazed lunatic.

"Awww . . . come on, Dean, it's no fun if you aren't even gonna try and guess." He waited another moment, and then added, "Very well, it's called an iron gag, very old school. Doesn't look too deadly, does it?"

Charlie grabbed Sam by the hair, yanking his head backward. "Open your mouth."

Sam shook his head, lower jaw trembling, his gaze remaining on Dean.

"Let me rephrase myself — open your mouth or I'll smash all your teeth in. Is that better?"

Reluctantly, Sam opened his mouth and Charlie shoved the oblong box inside of it, the box pressing Sam's tongue down and gagging him. Charlie locked it in place behind Sam's neck, Sam's muffled cry choked off by the strange metal mask.

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