The Call

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Recap from chapter 2

"Joey!" I looked over. It was Andy and Angel. The twins.

Chapter 3- The Call

"Hey Andy and Angel." "We heard about your competition. " Andy said. "Oh ya there was that." "So what about us we know who you really are so can we be on your radio show?!" Angel asked excited.  

Ah yes the twins are 17 the same age as me also go to the same school as me.

"No you can't." "Why not?" She whined. "Because that isn't fair. You know me because we've been friends since I moved over here and plus you work here." "Now that's not fair." "Sorry - oh I have to go. I'll see yall tomorrow." "Bye Joey!" "Bye Joe." I walked away and out to the front.

"Going already Joey?" Mary asked.

"Ya I have homework and my brother called." "Well see you tomorrow Joey." "Bye Mary." I walked out to my jeep and started it up.

The drive home was filled sleeping with sirens, motionless in white, three days grace, papa roach, and skillet. Some of my favorite bands. At the house I ran inside dropping my bag by the door and plopped down on the couch.

Taking out my phone I found my brother and hit call. When he picked up he said,

"Hey Joey." "You haven't called me, John, or Michelle in almost a year and all you can say is 'Hey Joey'?! Are you kidding me?!"

He laughed over the other line, probably knowing I wasn't really mad and just excited. "Sorry, but look i'm planning on going over there and staying for a while." "Is Lia coming too?" "Yes she is and I have a surprise for you when we get there." "Really what is it!" "It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you." "Fine, but I better love it." "You will I promise. But anyway how's life on the radio?" "Ah-well my listeners wanna know who I am now, so I made a contest for them to try and find out who I am."

"Aren't you scared they might find out?"

"No. Even if I sit there and tell them, 'Hey you guys my real identity is Joetta Butler.' They won't believe me. They would laugh and make my life worse at school."


He said suddenly serious. "Why won't you do something about that school? Change schools, tell John and Michelle, call the police even. For gods sake I remember you calling me once and you were crying. Joey this isn't something you can just push through. I swear one day this will become physical and you'll end up hurt. Joey you need to do something about this."

"You think I don't know that? Well I do, but this has been going on since I moved in with John and Michelle. Its gone on too long and it might end up that way. I know that. But I love doing my radio show and I can't do anything that might jeopardize Cupid-"

"Just being bullied jeopardizes that. You could get injured and not be able to do the radio. What then?"

"James if I keep to myself and just go through everything they do, it will end someday. They'll see that it doesn't bother me and th-"

"But it does! It does bother you! Joetta they know you were adopted. They know why. They will use that against you. I know it! So please do something. I don't want you to end up hurt." "Okay James i'll do something." "Thank you." "I have to do homework. I'll see you when you come visit." "Okay bye Joey."

He hung up and I threw my phone across the room.

"Ya i'll do something-but not now. I won't let it interfere with something I love to do."

I went and picked up my phone. The screen was cracked but only a little. I grabbed my bag and started on my homework. 

My phone started ringing. I picked up. "Hello?" "Hey Joetta. The hospital is short on staff, so i'm going to take the night shift today." "Okay." "There are some left overs in the fridge for you and John. You just need to heat them up. Alright?" "Ya thanks." "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" "Ya. Bye Michelle." "Bye."

Later I heard the door open. "Joey!" he called. "In here!" He came into the living room. "Michelle took the night shift again?" I nodded. "Ya said something about they were short some people. So she volunteered." "Okay, well you already know i'll be gone in the morning. Michelle is supposed to be taking the morning shift too, so she won't be coming home tonight. I'm a little tired, so i'll see you at the station tomorrow."

"Alright. Night." 

He went upstairs and I jumped off the couch to get something to eat. It was just some chicken and rice. After eating I took my shower and went to bed.


-Authors note-

Hey you guys. Sorry I haven't updated this story in like two, three (maybe more) weeks. Please don't be mad this chapter is short! I kinda got stuck on this new idea for another story and started on that. I also had to organize this Halloween costume party for my school and it was stressing me out. Do you know how much it takes to plan one party?! Then I started falling a little behind on school work, from missing class to try and organize the party, so I had to catch up on that and focus on my work a little more. Which I still haven't done. But whatever.

I PLAN ON PUTTING THE NEXT CHAPTER UP THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!! And I will try to stick with updating a new chapter every other weekend, but i'm not sure i'll be able to. 

Comment please! I'd love to hear what you think about my story. ='.'= ~MEOW

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