the strange sound (pt 2)

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Suddenly the girls hear a strange sound almost as if a elephant was stomping towards them

Blaire: ummm.....Lexi do you hear that?

Lexi: yes Blaire I do

(The two girls start to panic and they hug each other scared)

Blaire&Lexi: (drops down on their knees)

Blaire:( starts to scream)

Lexi:( covers blaires mouth)

Lexi:Blaire be quiet or it's gonna hear us "shhh"

(Lexi and Blaire grabbed a flashlight out of the office and went out to investigate)

Blaire: (faints -again- )

(Lexi grabs Blaire and lays her in a bed in the office)

Lexi:(lays beside Blaire and falls fast asleep)

(The two girls sleep until morning )

Zookeeper: (walks into office)

Zookeeper:what are these girls doin here? (She says confused)


Blaire:(wakes Lexi up)

Blaire:(whispers) "LEXI WAKE UP SOMEONE IS FINALLY HERE"she says excitingly

Zookeeper:what are you two doing here?

Lexi:(explains the situation)

Zookeeper:oh I see well gate is open now bye

Lexi:what is your name?

Zookeeper: Carla

Lexi&Blaire:wow such a pretty name

Carla:well thank you

Lexi:ok see you around Carla bye

(The two girls wave at Carla as they walk out the gate)

(Blaire&Lexi walk home as their muddy heels stomp on the ground)

(The two girls walk into their apartment and take a shower and then put on matching sparkly pink glitter dresses along with matching shoes)

                       The end

Thank you guys so much for reading this story I hope y'all enjoyed it bye !!!
Also make sure to read my other stories 🙃😁

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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