/Before the Maze\ #1

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Thomas had been working for WCKD ever since he was 7, he met Teresa during his work. She had arrived the same time as him and was a year younger. "Dr Paige!" He heard a doctor running in calling for his boss.

"Yes?" Thomas had looked away to listen, he was always called a curious cat by his co-workers. "One of the patients, they're.. well. Its better you see it yourself.." the doctor and Miss Paige left the medical bay. Thomas slowly stepped away from his computer and followed.

Teresa had followed him, Thomas hadn't even noticed. He jumped when she came next to him You scared me! He said, speaking telepathically. Teresa looked to him Are you always so jumpy? N-no They talked to one another telepathically.

They're attention was turned back to the door as they heard noises. "We aren't allowed in there." Teresa said aloud. "I know but.. aren't you curious?" "We're to low a rank, going in there will definitely earn us some big trouble."

More loud sounds came from the room "Well... okay, one peak." Teresa stepped to the door, she carefully opened the doors. Thomas- being taller. Stood over her and looked inside. They almost gasped. It was a entire room filled with chambers. Also treadmills with countless people on. There had been several curtains at the back of the room. All labeled, but to far away for either of them to read the label's.

One person is running very fast. Looking back every so often. Miss Paige standing beside him. She grabbed a rock from a near by table and put it on the treadmill, making the boy trip. He looked up horrified by something as a doctor grabbed a needle and handed it to Doctor Paige.

She stabbed it into his chest as he screamed in pain. Teresa backed away, she had seen enough. Thomas watched her walk away but he was more intrigued than ever. "Ben" She had said in her calm voice. "You have been stung. You will run back to the glade and go through the changing."

Ben got up, and ran inside one of the covered doors. He finally knew he'd seen enough. Thomas carefully shut the door and ran back to his station. About five minutes later Miss Paige walked in and up to him "Thomas." She said making the boy turn "Yeah Miss Paige?"

"I think it's finally time you had a promotion." Thomas' face lit up "Really?!" He was excited. He had been working the computers for who knows how long?!

"You will be working in Ward 23" Thomas' smile had faded, Ward 23 was the ward him and Teresa just peeked through "You'll be helping out in Maze 11, the patients in there are let's just say. Delusional. They think they're in a life threatening maze. To help them without trouble you will be acting as if your new to the maze. A undercover mission if you put it like that."

Thomas nodded. His smile appeared again. "Follow me." She turned, hands cuffed behind her back. Thomas followed, as they entered Ward 23.

She went to one of the labeled curtains and opened it "Good luck" He entered it and inside was a hallway. Filled with outfits that countless patients on treadmill's wore. He looked above it, a sign. It said When working in this ward, change into outfit when inside.

Thomas grabbed one outfit and got changed. He put his doctor's outfit in the box on the other side of the massive pathway.

He opened the door, it was massive in there! Thomas was amazed. He saw a boy, blonde hair, limping, he was tall. Thomas recognized him, Newt was his name. He saw the guards escort him into Ward 18

"Hey greenie!" welcomed him. Greenie.. Thomas had thought, the name. It seemed familiar. He heard a couple doctors from this ward talk about it..

"Hey, uhh whats your name?" Although Thomas knew his name. He wanted to be sure. "Newt." He said, set out a hand for Thomas to shake. Thomas did "Whats your name?" "Thomas."

Newt's frown turned to a smile "Welcome to the Glade." Glade Again he repeated what he had said Thomas! shouted Teresa in his mind. Ah great.. What is it.. Thomas' expression became a annoyed one as Teresa talked "Whats wrong ya shank? Talking about your new home is to boring for ya?"

Thomas shook his head "What? Ah no. Sorry I'm kinda.. in a daze." "I figured, come on. I'll show ya everyone." Thomas followed him around the large room, he was amazed beyond words. Where are you?! I'm in ward 23, I got a promotion!

After the tour (Shush I'm lazy) The light in the room started to dim. "Aw bloody night is approaching." Newt said looking up, squinting as if he was looking at the sun "How can you tell?" "Can't you see, the sun is setting!" Newt looked to him. Thomas looking just as confused.

"I hope Ben is gonna be ok. The noise of the grievers is gonna be really traumatizing." Thomas' eyes widened. He had saw Ben, saw Miss Paige jab a syringe into him. "Grievers? Wait what happened to Ben?"

"He's been stone by a griever, buggin' things. If they don't kill you, you come back stung. Then when stung you go through the changing." Stung.. Miss Paige.. she said Ben had been stung

"What happens when you go through the changing." Thomas again being his curious self. "You go through massive pain, then you go insane." Newt quickly informed. "Well looks like everyone else be going to close in for the night. I'm gonna do the same. I recommend you do to."

Newt went to grab a sleeping bag and went to where some others had been sleeping. Thomas left, to go back into the normal ward. He saw other doctors coming into the ward. Literally no more patients were on the treadmill's well only a few. There were about 90 treadmill's in that huge ward and about 12 were still on. Again looking terrified.

The lights in the ward had also dimmed. "Whoa.." Thomas couldn't help but be amazed. He had changed into his doctor robe's before he went into the ward. Thomas ran to meet Teresa where they had slept.

A special room, they divided it. The left was Thomas' and the right was Teresa's. Thomas walked down the hallway of doctor's dorms. He got to room #225

He swiped his key card as the once red light flashed green and he opened the door. He walked down the small hallway they had. They're room was different than other's. But they didn't know that. Thomas opened the door and saw Teresa on her bed. She was reading a book "Teresa!" He shouted, making her look up from her book "Whats up? How's the new promotion?"

"Great, well the fact my patients are delusional." He chuckled at the thought "The simple light bulb dimming makes them think its night time." Teresa chuckled, Thomas went to her bed and sat next to it. It's what he normally did, Teresa didn't mind.

"They are amusing thou. Some run out of the door's and they say I can't go in there because I'm just a 'greenie' but some are fun, some are shit. Like Alby. He's the leader, and a complete bossy bitch."

About a hour later it had become midnight. The two hadn't even noticed. "Wow, midnight already? Well.. ^yawn^ good night Teresa." He leaned upward as Teresa leaned downward. He kissed her cheek and got up.

He walked to his side of the room and layed down. He yawned as Teresa turned out the lights "Night.." She layed down and the two soon fell asleep.

Miss Paige and a few other doctors were in a special lab, restricted to most doctor's. Janson walked in "Doctor Paige, you moved Thomas into Ward 23.. you're planning on making him a test subject?"

She nodded "He has shown lots of promise. I want to up it to the next level. Then.. theres the fact we caught every immune we could find. We'll have some very mad and terrified patients if a new greenie doesn't appear. I don't plan on giving him the drug, not yet at least."

Janson nodded, fiddling with the gun in his left hand "So, when do you plan on it?" "If he finds out we're the cause of his patient's delusional behavior, that's when we give him the syringe." She continued. Janson again nodded

"Good night Doctor Paige." "Good night Janson." He left the Ward. But what nobody saw was him grabbing a syringe filled with a blue kind of sludge. "Thomas.." He murmured "I'm excited to have you- out of the way." Janson went to his dorm. Slid the keycard and opened it. He made sure nobody followed him, before he shut the door. A menacing smile on his face before he did so.

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