Chapter 1

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Husk's POV

As always, I was kicking some ass at the poker table. Fair and square I might add. Sure I've cheated a couple of times before but today was just my lucky day! Winning some poker and drinking some cheap booze, what more could a guy want? I was living the dream. "Are you guys even trying?" I asked smugly with a smirk on my face as I layed out my cards. "Read em and weep boys. That's another hundred dollars for me." And with that I collected my winnings for the day and moved to the bar, with the full intention of getting as much booze as I could. I chugged half a bottle when I heard yet another bastard catcalling someone. My curiosity was peeked, so I turned to look and I saw that same asshat who catcalls every girl they see harassing a wolf demon. And let me tell ya right now, she was having none of that bullshit.

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