"I got in! It may have took me 3 hours but I got in! Yay, go me!" Mina praised herself. Afterall she was typing codes for the past few hours and seeing her hard work pay off was really making her proud of herself.

'The next big thing, my ass' Mina thought, remembering what she read about them on Wheel. 'I managed to get in just fine, ha weak asses,'

"Hmmm what should I look through first..." She wondered as she scanned the page with her eyes.
"Ohhhhh a work plan, that could be a good start,"

Mina clicked on the banner which named 'work plan'. Her jaw fell open and her eyes widened when she saw the contents of the section.

"W-what the fuck is this," was the only thing she could manage to squeak out. "Who would have thought that-"

Princess Jin posted 2hours ago


Ok, what the fuck is this supposed to be. There are so many things wrong with this.

"I thought that these guys must be amazing because of all that talk, but it looks like they're just a bunch of kids," Mina sighed. "I wonder if it was even them who caused the incident at the airport. They seem kinda pathetic and hacking into their databese was easier than I expected it to be..."

She skimmed through different kind of "work plans" or whatever they called it but she mostly found insults and complaints that were made by who she asumed were the members.

"What in the name of god is 'Yeontanguccirenoirmerci' even supposed to mean?!" she spent a good minute laughing, completely putting her guard down as she discovered more hilarious posts like this. "I was worrying for nothing, huh? Let's just finish this job, maybe I'll even come by to check this page sometimes. The jokes here are better than on twitter,"

First mistake: Never ever put your guard down

"Let's just get this over with-"

JH has logged in

A black window appeared on her screen, completely covering the things she had opened before. And there were four words, typed in red: JH has logged in.


JH: who are you?

"Damn it I need to do something this instant or he'll motherfucking track me down," Mina exclaimed as she typed a lot of codes in. She was panicking, a behavior very unusual for her.

Miss.M has logged out

"I did it!" Relief washed over her.

"Thank god I've let a program that automatically copied me some info run, so I can somehow manage to complete the job but... How could I get so carried away and not pay attention?!"

Unbeknownst to her, while she was going over the situation numerous times in her head, someone had already got his work done.

JH: Too bad, I've already found you, see you soon :)

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