dead man's zone

10 3 3

"okay boys. this is your moment. your destiny awaits you. on my command"

given the order

to go

over the top

1 mile

dead man's zone

no one makes it

no one returns

"what the fuck are you waiting for. get your asses in gear."


all around


filled with fear

is this the way it ends

straight to the front

straight to 

dead man's zone

face down

in the mud

straight to hell

"move it now, you yellow bellied motherfuckers or i swear i will put a bullet in each and everyone of youse's fucking heads."


all around

is this the way it ends

sitting ducks in the trenches

crazy fucking commander

putting bullets in our heads



up the muddy bank

over the top

facing an army

of machine guns

and mortars in

dead man's zone

not much of a fucking choice

pistol pulled

pistol aimed

"which one of you fucking yellow bellied, momma's boys, fucking cowards, wants to die first?"

trigger pulled

bullet meats brain

head explodes





dead in the trenches

new commander

new order

"we wait for reinforcements boys."

no more claimed by

dead man's zone

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