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🏳‍🌈1,393 words🏳‍🌈

A/n: I want to fuckin' sleep...But I can't...Life is so fuckin' great. Oh, and Happy very late holidays.

Kirishima's POV:

Just when I thought I was getting the hang of things *BAM* I fell on the ice again. This sucks. Why did I agree that this was a good idea? "Oh, shit. Shit Hair, you good?" Without looking up I knew it was Bakugou. I mean, who else calls me Shit Hair? "Fine. I so didn't just faceplant into ice for the tenth time."

I pushed myself up only to fall down yet again. I was expecting to hit the cold ice again but...I didn't? My eyes opened and I saw Bakugou had caught me. Which meant I was in Bakugous arms...again. "You know it's not that hard Shit Hair."
"Shut it." He smiled...he freakin' smiled! It's not often I get to see him genuinely smile but when he does...I don't know man it's just-dang.

He let go of his grip a little and eventually let me go, leaving me standing there almost falling every 10 seconds. "It's just like walking but on ice." He went off and skated around me, making a circle.


"Now try to imagine your gliding among the clouds or some cheesy shit like that and follow me." I attempted to follow his steps but mine came out really bad. His moves were graceful and mine lacked that very quality. My moves were blocky and were just steps. Hey, don't judge, at least I'm not falling on my face anymore! "C'mon, just hold onto my hips and I'll show you."

I was on a daze for a minute. Hold onto my crushes hips? My hands eventually found their way to his strangely small waist. I could just hold on to his shoulders...but definitely I don't mind this....

He pushed off and I could tell I was definitely messing him up with my you know not moving. "Okay, imagine running on a treadmill but just slower and be more...graceful." He tries to give me at least some advice. TRIES. "That does not help."
"You realize I could just let you go, right?" My grip tightens around his waist and my head digs into his color bone, making him come to a complete stop.

"Please don't," I mumble, scared out of my freakin' mind because I knew good and well he would let me go. He put his warm hand on my cheek and it slowly traveled over running threw my hair, definitely making me calmer. His touch will never get old.... "Relax. That's the main part of skating. You've gotta loosen up a bit."

That may have helped but I'm still a little on edge. He unwrapped my hands from his waist and held on to my wrist, so I wouldn't fall. "Here. Close your eyes and imagine something...you want or something you wish for, then just keep thinking of it. Let the emotion take over you, okay?"

I nodded before I closed my eyes and imagined the dream I had about Bakugou the other night. More specifically the one where we had a kid....She was so freakin' cute. She looked just like Bakugou besides my weird shark teeth. We named her Manami. It was cute to imagine but I know it will most likely...well more like never be real....

My focus was taken away by Bakugou's beautiful voice. "What'cha thinking about~?" He asked in a kind of teasing tone. "Nothin'."
"Well, whatever your thinking about is helping you." I opened my eyes to see what he meant and I was actually doing it. I was skating. When did he even let go of me? Was I that lost in my thoughts? Then I panicked and almost fell again. But he caught me





"You wanna just skate together? Cause I don't think you'll be able to this on your own."

"Frick you."

"Is that a no?"

"No! I need your help!"

"Thought so. Hold on." Instead of holding onto his hips, I was holding his hands (which I was right, they fit perfectly into my hands) while he skated backward. "Why do you even know how to skate anyways?" I asked, letting my curiosity get the best of me. I've kinda been wondering that this whole time. I guess there's a lot I don't know about him....

He shrugged and answered. "I played hockey for a few years."
"Is there literally anything you can't do?" I asked with a hint of jealousy. I mean, is he just good at everything? Bakugou decided to take advantage of my slip up. "Sounds like your jealous."
"Not jealous, just wondering."

He paused a second, pretending to think of something. "Umm...I'm really bad at...wow, I can't think of anything." I could tell he was being sarcastic but I still gave him a look of 'really, dude? Really?'.

He sighed and gave in. "I'm joking. I guess I'm really bad at controlling myself."
"As in?" I asked, obviously intrigued. "If I'm really angry then I start punching things, doesn't matter what. If I start having a panic or anxiety attack I can't stop it...well, very easily at least. And if I want something..." he pulled me closer to him. "I...eventually get it."

I'm sure I'm blushing a brighter color than my hair, I can feel the burn of my face. He flirted with me! Flirt back, idiot! "Uh heh heh...hm huh umm...." 'That was not flirting, Kirishima.' I know, brain! "Wow, you get flustered so easily." Ugh, he keeps teasing me! "I-I'm not flustered." There's another lie that he's definitely not going to believe. "You definitely are."

"Sh...shut up."

I look over to Kami who's looking dead at us. I give him a pleading look of help 'cause I'm too scared I'm gonna fuck it up with this guy that I'm pretty sure I'm in love with. Kaminari obviously got the hint and nodded his head. He's known about my thing for Bakugou for a while know, I kinda told him right when I started feeling something and he's the one who told me it was love.

"Guys we should go, right? I'm legit terrified right now plus I'm freezing."

Thank the gods for Kami!

Bakugou skated over to the sides of the rink, dragging me with him. He put my hands on the rail then skated away from me. "Ugh, how many times do I have to tell you Dunce Face? All you've gotta do is fucking walk!" I let out a shaky sigh of relief as he skated towards Kaminari and Sero or as he calls them Dunce Face and Soy Sauce.

Bakugou helped all of our friends off the ice (more or less) and now we're heading back to the car. Well, most of them are, I'm waiting for Bakugou. Some guy is flirting with him and I hate it. I wish I could just be with him and beat up all the horny ass hats that flirt with him on the goddamn daily. Woah, I sounded a lot like Bakugou there....

When the guy finally left Bakugou alone we began to walk with the rest of the group. Bakugou past me. I was trailing behind everyone so I could look at Bakugou without being teased. He's so fucking beautiful it should be illegal! Ugh, I had my brain along with it's...weird thoughts. At least no one can see me blushing like crazy about the thoughts filling my head....

That is until one of my best friends walks up behind me. "You're welcome," Kaminari whispered, putting a supportive hand on my shoulder. "Thank you, I owe you," I mumbled, looking to the ground. I do in fact owe him. I just don't know how though. "So, when exactly are you gonna tell him?"

I looked up to where Bakugou was, memorizing him once more. I've wondered that question as well, many times in fact. I've come up with a bunch of scenarios in my head and all of them end up with Bakugou not talking to me ever again...and I'm not ready to lose him...I hope I won't lose him from these stupid feelings.

"I...I don't know."

𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙺𝚒𝚍 {𝙺𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚊 𝚇 𝙱𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚐𝚘𝚞}Where stories live. Discover now