Bad day?

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You found the perfect place to settle down in, far away from small heath as possible. You kept your self to your self and didn't bother a soul, you also found the perfect place to set up your shop, you decided it was the perfect opportunity to open a bakery. you always had a passion for baking, not that anyone ever knew, you would always lie and say you brought it with what change you could find and luckily they believed you. you've been in business now for a total of six months and business was booming. every day you was always running out of stock because people just loved your sweets and treats, it was past closing time and there you was sat at one of the tables with a glass of whisky, you was day dreaming when you heard someone knocking lightly at the bakery door, looking up from your glass you saw Jasmine she was your assistant at the shop and also became a very close friend. you let her in and she walked straight over to the table and drank straight from the bottle of whiskey.

''that bad of a day huh?'' you chuckled walking back over to the table and pouring you self a glass ''the young boy from down the street just wont leave me alone, one day he will and it'll be because I'll show him not to mess with me'' she sighs and sits down on the spare chair ''he's just in love that's all it is'' you giggle, you found it quiet amusing that someone could be so fascinated by someone and just not have the balls to do anything about it but it took you back to the thought of you and Tommy, you quickly wiped your mind of tommy and let your good friend rant to you.

*3 years later*

That night all those years ago you and Jasmine drank and drank till there was no more left to drink, you talked about everything and anything you're even sure that you brought tommy and the boys up every now and then but you couldn't remember.

you stood outside the bakery having a cigarette, people where walking past mumbling to them self's and each other, everyone was in good spirits because the infamous gang that used to terrorise the town where no more and no one could quite figure out why '' well who ever made them disappear dear did quite the job, you'll feel more safe from now on, no need to worry about those dispiteful men any more'' a man who was walking with his wife said as they strolled past you. you smiled to your self as you stubbed out the cigarette and walked back into the bakery, through the busy shop, through the busy kitchen and into your office. ''well it seems our work hasn't gone un-noticed'' you say to Jasmine, she looks up from her paper work and smiles back at you ''looks like we're making quite the statement, such a shame no one knows who did it aye, some wanna be gangs will try take the credit for our work'' she says leaning back in her office chair ''and when they do we'll take them out one by one whilst maintaining our good girl image, no one will ever suspect it was us girls behind it, which brings me onto what I was going to say next'' you say as you walk towards the office door, you open it wide and shout ''MISS ROSE, GET ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ON INSPECTOR CAMPBELL'' she nods and gets straight to work, you close the office door and walk over to your desk getting on with the piles of paper work with not another word said.

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