Where Are You?

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Original idea, Kuro, Shiro, and main character belong to Seita Shuuya.
I awaken with a start. I rise, slowly, getting to a sitting position. I remember everything that had just happened in my dream. Kuro, my friend whom had died and I nearly betrayed. Shiro, the playful, childish girl who probably will never be the same. Those faceless monsters, whose purpose I never found out, and lastly, me. I never even figured out who I was. I had checked my clock. It read 6:13. My blood ran cold. The last thing I saw was the clock that hung in the white classroom stained with a shining red. The clock, sprayed with red, was 6:13 to the minute.
Coincidence? There's no such thing.
I felt my head. There I set, the night before, my red headphones. Truly not a coincidence, they were same ones Kuro had worn. Had....
I yanked the headphones off my head and flicked on my phone. 6:13. Bitting my tongue out of nervousness, I was vaguely aware of the blood taste growing in my mouth. That's when I realized something.
I wasn't in my room, I couldn't be. My room was different somehow. This room seemed off, fake. My room was full of memories, this one was not.
My middle school graduation picture was gone, the picture itself was a beautiful lie. The dent in the wall where I punched it out of anger because my friend was being forced to move. The picture of mom, dad, my sister Kaede, my brother Hideyoshi, and I standing together was gone.
Despite never having a good relationship with my family, I wouldn't want them to just disappear. No, then I would lose a part of myself. Surely, surely I was in a different dream.
I forced myself to think of a way out. The door seemed most obvious, but I couldn't risk someone being out there. If my dream was real, those men were after me and they killed Kuro. I hope Shiro was okay. If I found her, I would help her, after all, I nearly betrayed her on accident.
After what seemed hours, I finally found a window. Then I looked around at the outside surroundings. No.... No, no, no NO! This is a dream! This is a dream! I calmed myself down by thinking back on the previous dream. Kuro, Shiro, the old woman, and the faceless man all reminded me of three different people I know. When I thought of my family picture that was missing, I found myself correct.
I was shocked at my own wild guess being right, at the mental image of my family I had. Mom, dad, Kuro, and Shiro stood around me. Only they weren't only Kuro and Shiro, they were Hideyoshi and Kaede. I looked at my mom and dad because I wondered how they fit in to my horror filled dream. I realized my mom was the old lady who had helped me. My blood ran cold as I recognized my dad. He was that faceless man.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2014 ⏰

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