bubble tea??? (Jeff x Reader; Slenderman x OC)

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You sighed as you walked down the all familiar trail with your best friend, Ozella Papadoupolos. You walked behind her as she led the way to your destination, your eyes fixated on her long, light pink hair, pulled into two low pony tails.

The looks you and Ozella sported were completely different: you were wearing a (f/c) hoodie, (f/c) jeans, and (f/c) converse with you hair (style). Alternatively, Ozella has on a white sweater that had a picture of peach milk on the front, black leggings, white and pink platforms, and a cup of bubble tea in her hand.

"We're almost there," Ozella announced. You took note of how her thick Greek accent shown through more now that you'd both left school.
"Hey O, what does your boyfriend think of your accent?" You blurted out.
"He likes it," Ozella replied simply before continuing to drink her boba.

Once you'd both reached the old, rundown looking mansion, Ozella put out a hand and knocked on the door. As if one cue, the door opened to reveal the infamously smiling jackass himself.

"Hey hot stuff," Jeff purred at you before turning his attention to the slightly shorter female to between you two.
"Hey fuckface," He said monotonously.
"Hey cumbag," Ozella replied, venom seeping from her tongue. Then, as if she'd changed personalities, she turned to you and said, "Okay, well I'll see you around. Have fun~" With that she went off to what you could only assume was to find the tall man she'd been seeing for four months.

"Good, she's off screwing Slender dude," Heff chuckled before pulling you inside.
"Wanna have some fun?"
You looked down at your hands, which were holding a (flavor) bubble tea.
"Hey Jeff? Have you ever had bubble tea?"
"What? Fuck no. Why would I ever do that?" He responded.
"I dunno," you shrugged before taking a sip. You could practically feel Jeff's eyes staring into your soul.
"It's good," you said, holding the cup out, "Try it."
"No," Jeff answered blatantly.
"C'mon, please?" You asked.
"No," Jeff repeated. As he was about to walk away, you grabbed his arm with your free hand and turned him to face you once again.
"If you take a sip, I'll give you a kiss~" You teased, causing Jeff's eyes to widen just a hair. You always loved playing around with this romantic tension between the two of you.
Jeff grumbled incoherently before taking the cup from your hands and taking a sip. After a moment of silence, he handed the cup back.
"Kiss," He demanded monotonously, somewhat surprising you. However, you giggled before happily obliging.
"There," you smiled at him.
"Damn, if you give me a kiss every time I drink that stuff, then you can consider me a regular."
"Please don't," a familiar Greek accent interceded, "I see you enough as is. I don't wanna have to see you at my workplace, too."
"Play nice you two," A deep voice practically rumbled the entire living room as Slenderman appeared at the top of the stairs.
"There you are!" Ozella exclaimed, "I couldn't find you anywhere!"
"I was in my office, dear."
"Well why don't you and fuckface go back to your office and leave (Y/N) and I alone," Jeff barked.
"You're not going to lay another filthy paw on my precious best friend!" Ozella replied with an angry tone.
"I'll do whatever I want!" Jeff responded.
"Well why don't you throw yourself into-..."
Before Ozella could continue, a tendril appeared out of seemingly nowhere and placed itself over her lips.
"Now, now, my love. That's not very nice. However, I do agree with Jeffrey's remark. Perhaps we should... be alone."

You felt your face redden at the tone of his voice as you watched him practically carry Ozella up the stairs and out of view.
"Now," Jeff smirked, "Where were we?"
"You basically admitted to liking bubble tea," You deadpanned, "Or just liking kissing me."
"Shut up!" Jeff said, obviously flustered. Well, as flustered as you could imagine him, since he hit you in the face with a pillow.


wow, so this is... random. i haven't updated this book since like my emo phase in middle school. anyways, i'm not that in to creepypasta anymore but i'd figure i'd integrate some of the new things in my life into something so old and untouched skdjsksksk but i hope you all enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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